Rainy Morning | Teen Ink

Rainy Morning

December 20, 2014
By BlossomM. PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
BlossomM. PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Clearly is had rained the night before. And from the look of things, it must have rained all over the globe. I stopped staring out the living room window and walked through the empty rooms. It was early, so the household was still asleep. I hadn't been able to sleep, though, and now the sun had risen and the birds were waking up, exploring the wonders of sound with quick peeps and sudden trills of song.

     On sudden impulse, I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, drawing out cheetos and chocolate, dumping them in a bowl. Taking the bowl with me, I strolled out the kitchen door and onto the porch. The air was perfect, crisp and clean. The sky was made of orange peels and strawberry licorice, the world covered with gold mist, slowly disappearing before a soft, new breeze, which chased away the clouds.
     I sat in thhe steps, eating my queer snack and watched as a rabbit hopped across my yard, soft fur glowing with the magical touch of morning light. Its tiny feet passed through the wet grass with barely a murmur, leaving no sign of its passing but for a trail in the dew.
     A tranquil peace surrounded me and I dozed, sleeping peacefully for the first time in days, all life's worries drifting away until I should wake and face the harsh world again.

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