An Angels Voice | Teen Ink

An Angels Voice

December 6, 2014
By BlossomM. PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
BlossomM. PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 5 comments

The voice reached to the heavens in a cry as sweet as angel voices. The world fell silent, its spinning halted, as the notes vibrated and sung in a glorious salvo. The vibrations caused ripples in motionless water and ripped trees and mountains up by the roots, flinging them into the bubbling, and swirling sky. The world was splitting and ripping, ending as swiftly as the voice had sounded. Then the voice stopped and as though the world had been held together by the strings in her voice, the world crumbled, sending all into a plummeting, and dooming death, but for the worlds core, which spoke of the beginning of a new world.

The author's comments:

This ws inspired by listening to beautiful vocal music

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