The Wall | Teen Ink

The Wall

November 15, 2014
By TheOneTruePoet BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
TheOneTruePoet BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Such Is Life.

Journal One
The Wall. It's there to protect us. That's what we are told anyways. It's not all bad. Food is flown in, free electricity, housing and schooling and only a handful of us have to work. It's never too cold, and never too warm. It never rains or snows. It sounds like utopia but i just feel as if we're trapped. We attempt to measure the dimensions of the Wall but we always lose track, but we figured that its a few miles tall. It seems to go on forever. If any are caught attempting escape, there are never seen from again. It's still not a bad life, it's been this way forever. I just wish it were more fulfilling.

Journal Two
They've started the tests. The elders say that these happen ever so often, but they have been starting earlier the past few times. They take the younger and healthier of us. I just hope that I don't get picked. I got a notice that I have to start working with the rest. I finally get to see where the workers go. A bit excited.

Journal Three
More walls. Though significantly less grand in size than the other. And white. Plain white walls, devoid of any rivet, scrape, stain, smudge, or crack. The tasks they have us do are so...simple. we see a series of pictures, and press a button whenever we see the picture they ask for for that day. I would say that it was only entry level work but there are those who have been here for years doing the same task. What on earth is this place?

Journal Four
We work for our rations. I know that now. If we don't work, we don't eat. We attempt to refuge food to bring back to those who don't work, but when we try, they remove our food privileges. Yet all the while, I find myself increasingly more willing to work. I hear that I've been specially selected to take a test. Should be fun.

Journal Five
Things and life are just swell.

Journal Six
Things and life are just swell.

Journal Seven
Things and life are just swell.

Journal Eight
Things and life are just swell.

Journal Nine
Things and life are just swell.

Journal Ten
Things in life are not swell. This is all a trap. The rations are tainted. We are controlled. I'm next to go. I broke free from the tests but they're hot on my heels. I'm so close to the wall. Just a few mor~

Journal Eleven
Hiding out, I've discovered a tunnel that leads under the wall. I should make it to the other side soon.

Journal Twelve
The tunnel just stops. Blocked by cold metal. Retreating out the tunnel, I've decided to attempt to climb the Wall.

Journal Thirteen
I've reached the top of the Wall. Sitting between two worlds is truly magical. I refuse to look at the other side until I look over my old world, my old life. Hazy in colour, my world seems grim and bleak. Sickened to stare at it a minute longer, I glance over my shoulder. The amount of sunlight that graces my face is unmeasurable in any amount of happiness or joy or beauty. I take a deep breath of the fresh, and truly free air.
"Free." I say aloud to myself. It is truly free. I sit there and just take in the relief that has been lifted from me. No one could have prepared me for this.

Journal Fourteen
Having scaffold down the opposite side of the wall, I have reached the bottom. Or lack there of. I hang on for dear life while I glance around for something to hang onto. It's a straight 50 mile drop from the edge of the Wall to the ground. No one could survive this. I look out over the horizon, grateful that my last glimpse would be something so beautiful. And as my fingers slip and I  begin to fall I realize that death, is so much better than being a mindless puppet. Now, I can be truly free.


"Dammit. Chris! Another one got out."
"Did it make it?"
"No, broke its damn neck."

The author's comments:

Riding the bus to school one morning I saw that they way that the clouds had formed they looked like a wall surrounding the town. It was beautiful and I had the inspiration for this short story.

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