The Dark Nightmare | Teen Ink

The Dark Nightmare

August 12, 2014
By RoninSpire BRONZE, Tracy, California
RoninSpire BRONZE, Tracy, California
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love makes one do strange things

Lightning strikes down into my core. The sensation runs through my veins and never seems to want to end. The voices in my head never seem to end as the sensation of electricity rushes out of my veins. Collapsing down to the ground on my side, I try to shut out the world by closing my eyes, and screaming. I scream as loud as my voice and lungs allow me to. Grabbing my hair with my bare hands, I tug and pull at it.

Eventually, I let go of my hair and just gasp for breath. Turning myself onto my stomach, I place my hands and knees bellow me as I push myself up to my knees. Taking one last breath, as if it were my last, I open my eyes. Giving one last push with my arms, I press my feet bellow my knees and push myself upright. Inhaling deeply, I let out my air with another loud scream.

Throwing my head backwards, I scream up at the sky. I scream at everything and anything as I glare up at the sky. Once my lungs are empty of air, I slowly lower my head down and stare at my feet. My vision blurs for a moment, then clears as I blink once. Lifting my head up to look straight ahead of myself, I can see the tombstones of those that ever dared to cross my path. Beyond the tombstones, I can see burnt and blackened vines as they grow and weave around themselves.

An eyrie wind creeps across the land and my body. As the wind flows up my body and around my face, my jaw drops opening my mouth as the air gets pulled out of my lungs. My eyes widen slightly as the air pulls free of my lungs. Letting out a gasp, I plant my feet hard on the ground and shut my eyes again. A warm sensation creeps over my body just as I open my eyes.

As I open my eyes, I can see the land burning around me. Turning to my left, I see trees burning to a crisp. Turning to my right, I see fire move around bushes and rocks. Turning myself back forward, I look at the tombstones to see them in decay and corpses lining around them. Beyond the tombstones, the vines now were dripping a black goo.

Behind me, I can feel an unnerving coolness try to creep across my back and almost consume me. Glaring at anything, yet everything, I clasp the hilt of a long sword in my right hand. Letting out a long cry, I spin around and slash the sword at a black mist. As the sword flies through the mist, the mist its self opens as the sword passes through it.

As the sword leaves the black mist, the mist shoots forward and clasps its self around my neck. Gasping for air that I know I wont get, I raise the sword up and bring it down upon the mist. As the sword just barely touches the black mist, a fiery sensation passes through my neck and flows like burning hot blood through the rest of my body.

Screaming, I shoot upright in my bed. Panting and gasping for breath, I can feel sweat run down my face. As my breath slows, I slowly lower myself down into my bed. My skin feels burning hot and sweat gathers all across it as well. Swallowing a lump in my throat as I try to close my eyes, the images cross in front of me as if they were real. The last thing I remember was me letting out a whimper as a dark feeling descends upon me.

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