Them. | Teen Ink


May 12, 2013
By Imakoolkat BRONZE, Woolwich, Maine
Imakoolkat BRONZE, Woolwich, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are not normal.They are something beautifully tragic. They are like one of the rocks in the river,never peaking up. While the water flows they are stuck underneath it all. Just there waiting for something that's never going to occur. Somehow they make it work. They are all different accept when they are true. They bother everyone. Everyone they've used,are just there empty and broken.They are broken because what they do to you is unexplainable,you can not describe the pain and discomfort. But those are just word written on this page, they do not describe can't explain. If you did explain you you would have to feel it first. Like honey beautifully golden and sweet,but then it starts to drip getting stickier and stickier and you wish you didn't even touch the honey.And they don't play fair.What they have is contagious and unresisable. The feelings they give you is something you can't pay for.The feeling is sweet, then they lean in, close, and simply tear you apart,slowly as they watch you slowly fade away into their past.Falling back to reality, hitting the bottom. The stone cold bottom. Just Like bubbles you float through the air then you pop just like that.That's when you know they're done with you. After that they leave and never come back-until they've run out of victims. Then they just want more.

The author's comments:
Use your imagination on what "they" are.

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