The Conformity to Religious Doubt | Teen Ink

The Conformity to Religious Doubt

March 21, 2013
By JonAthan LEfkovits BRONZE, Livingston, New Jersey
JonAthan LEfkovits BRONZE, Livingston, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Luke passionately responded, “I’m telling the truth guys; he was waving at me!” Iman and I burst into laughter because we were closer to the dugout, and if anything Max Deus was waving at us. The day after the big game, Iman trotted into the cafeteria clutching his new state-of-the-art Deus baseball card. The entire second grade community congregated around him as he embellished the events of the baseball game.” Almighty Max waved at me after he belted the line drive!” he said. The entire second grade class marveled Iman’s story and followed him around for the rest of the school day. I was exasperated and shocked that Iman would try to attract friends with an indefinite truth. At soccer practice the next day, Luke took it to an entirely different level. “After Almighty Max waved at me, he signed my soccer jersey and wished me good luck,” he said. The squad insistently flocked around him as he showcased the autograph that he signed himself the night before. Rage could not describe my emotions at that moment.

The week after our venture in Yankee Stadium, the trio crumbled. The playground was the Mecca of our childhood. The constant squealing and chasing made recess my favorite time of the day. I usually played hide and seek but that day I foolishly decided to play dodgeball. Luke was my preferred target but my defective aim knocked Iman out with a concussion. The three of us never spoke again.

Now children, true religion is an oxymoron. There is absolutely no evidence that one religion is favored by the almighty. Today there are no historical figures to query, only flawed texts to accept as they are. Therefore, as I mourn the passing of my father, I feel obligated to instill within all my grandchildren the importance of belief.

To this day, Luke, Iman and I are uncertain to whom almighty Max Deus was waving although deep inside each of us believes that we are the chosen ones to pass on Max Deus’ legacy. I pity Iman and Luke’s desire for a more favorable unknown truth with their usage of propaganda to obtain more followers. However please make sure not to conform to my resentful actions if the situation arises; Humans have the right to protect their religious beliefs even if you don’t entirely agree with them.

The religious wars and conflicts have gotten out of hand. The extremists and seculars must unite to put belief, the foundation of religion, back in its place. Believing is the only way to honestly appreciate and admire God’s power and gifts. If I could successfully infuse within you all the significance of belief before I die, I would feel accomplished and complete.

My father’s death has genuinely impacted my belief in god. I think differently now about the value of life and family. The passing has made me appreciate every single one of you and each of your unique loving personalities. I hope some day you will all grow up, start your own family and relay our families’ ideals. I think its time I gave Luke and Iman a call.

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