family reunion-luke | Teen Ink

family reunion-luke

March 18, 2013
By watever-loser.. BRONZE, Melaka, Other
watever-loser.. BRONZE, Melaka, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If someone hates you, then don't give a crap..

I know what you guys are thinking… Yeah, how sad it is that I broke up with my girlfriend. Well, you guys thought wrong. Finally, I’ve been waiting for this moment since forever. She’s too clingy anyway and besides, I knew she was ‘with’ my best friend when I’m not around and that’s okay. I thought when Hayley and I were dating, I could forget about my feelings towards Mary. Oh, Mary aka Mary-Kate is my cousin. She’s four years younger than me. It wasn’t like I always have any feeling towards her, things happened. It was my fault anyway. I shouldn’t use her just because she used to have feelings for me. When a year ago, our family had those-no so ordinary-reunion and there she was. Just standing there alone and leaning against the wall while everybody was talking about college and med school which kinda made me laugh. It’s not like Mary was wearing anything special. She’s wearing this dress and she looked gorgeous. Due to boredom, I approached her and talked. Let me tell something. Talking to Mary is really annoying and I kinda love it. The she answered every question in a cool badass way really made me annoyed and liking her even more. Then, we talked about my studies and about psychology-cause’ I’m a psychology student. She was like, “Wow, that’s cool” in her cool badass way. After that, I offered to let her see my psych paper. At first, she didn’t really seemed excited more like bored but I think because there’s nothing fun to do, she decided, “What the heck?”. At that time, Damien was busy being outside talking my grandparents’ neighbor, Diana was busy being Diana-bragging about being a doctor-and Liam was busy eating like a pig at the buffet. I took Mary to the room where my stuff are. There was nobody there. It was just the two of us. There I was showing the paper and she actually looked at it. She said how good it was and asked if the questions were hard. But I didn’t answer. I grabbed the paper from her hand and tossed it on the floor. I grabbed her towards me and our lips met. I thought that she would slap me in the face as she was pulling away but instead she just smiled and walked away. Then, we never really contact each other. We never really talked. It’s not like we always talk but I just feel like after what happen she would talk to me. I tried so many things to forget about it but she’s just the type that’s unforgettable. Now, with my grandfather in the hospital, I’m praying so badly that she would come. I just want to see her again and tell me I miss her.-Luke

The author's comments:
this one is about Damien's youngest brother,Luke. I hope you guys could see how Luke try to control himself.

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