Alona | Teen Ink


December 9, 2012
By Mauraismyname BRONZE, Elkhorn, Nebraska
Mauraismyname BRONZE, Elkhorn, Nebraska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cold snow frolicked on wafts of wind, resting on the frozen branches of evergreen trees. This weather is typical for Russia, and the few people out are bundled tightly in layers of clothing or, if able, fur. The air had a sense of mystery in it, the sky holding back its bright blue in suspense. Instead, the world above was a white-grey that made the light from the sun seem stronger. An occasional shadow would cut through the grey, a bird flying home. The number of people outside dwindled as they scurried home to the far away village. No one seemed to notice the little girl in the bright white coat.

She didn’t notice them either. Her doe-like eyes were squinted against the sinking sun. She moved her too-big-coat around her narrow shoulders, trying not to swerve in the process. She put her small hands back into the fur of her sleeve and walked faster. She had forgotten exactly what she was doing, but she knew she had to walk this way until she comes to something. The girl kept her head down, and soon came to a short set of stairs. Her head tilted back as her boot scuffed against the pavement.

In front of her was a pair of impossibly large doors, fit for the giants in her favorite stories. The doors were an egg color, not quite yellow, but not white. The walls holding it up were the same color, but stone, neatly shaped and stacked. The knocker on the door seemed too high, and the girl began to think she had turned somewhere along the way. But she knew better. This was where she was meant to go. The girl took a deep breath and stepped up to the door. Her long fingers reached up, barely touching the large bronze knocker, and lifted it only a bit. It fell against the bronze backing with a loud clang. The girl winced.

A maid turned her head to the foyer while she dusted a shelf. Was it her mind, or is someone at the door? She decided not to take a chance in angering her masters, and she hurried to answer it. A few other maids followed behind her. The maid unlocked the door with a key and opened the door. She expected a large man in a military uniform, like usual. The small girl was a surprise. The maids behind her gasped quietly.

The girl had her light blonde hair in braids around her head. The soft hairs by her temple were barely visible because of how pale her skin was. Her round cheeks were tinged red from the cold. The girl’s eyes were an extremely light blue-green, framed with thick black lashes. Her lips were bright red. The maid couldn’t tell if they were swollen or naturally plump. A collar of thick fur was tucked up to her pointed chin, and she was wearing a white coat with fur at the end of the sleeves. The maid was about to tell her to go home when she noticed a note on her collar.

“Should I read it?” Marie said as she looked at her friends behind her. A younger maid nodded quickly, curious. An older maid looked skeptical but nodded. Marie reached out a tentative hand toward the child, acting as if she would skitter away like a frightened bird. The girl didn’t flinch; she just let the woman in black and white unpin the note from her collar. She was calm and stood still, not saying a word to explain. “Alona Vadim. To the Palace of King Alexander.” The note read. Marie didn’t read it out loud. Instead, she gasped and ushered the girl inside.

Alona followed the maid through the labyrinth of halls. A buzzing rang through her ears as she stood beside Marie. Marie, like most of the older maids, had her hair up in a bun, pulled tight against her scalp. Her face though, was kind and welcoming, although confused.

“Stay here, little one.” She said to the girl in a gentle voice. Alona nodded her golden head and sat on the plush red chair. She traced the intricate patterns that were carved into the arms of the chair as she waited. A few moments later, the maid came back in and Alona stood, wondering what will happen now. Will she be sent away? Why did she gasp before? “Alona, I’m Marie. I’m going to take you to change so you can eat dinner with the family.” She explained. The little girl’s eyes grew wider. She followed obediently to a large room. The room was decorated in blues and greens, with luxurious fabrics that Alona wanted badly to touch. A few other maids swarmed the room as Alona stood in front of the mirror Marie gestured to. They stripped her of her coat, showing a thin night gown and her boots. Marie figured that she had been walking for a while. Alona dazed off into her own world while hands touched her from all sides.

The author's comments:
This is a small portion of a novel I am working on.

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