lost and confused | Teen Ink

lost and confused

November 2, 2012
By kylewstevens95 BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
kylewstevens95 BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
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He never knew what he did wrong or why his family treated him so bad. The simplest conversations would turn into arguments within seconds with his family members. Sean loved his mother. He could’ve done more for her but he still was a good kid. Sean maybe chilled with the wrong crowd of people who did get in trouble with the cops but he still kept a clean record. Arguments with his mother happened more frequently as he grew up. He never knew the reason but he could predict why she was always in such a bad mood all the time. Growing up with two younger twin brothers was always trouble. Fights occurred and if Sean was getting along with one of his brothers then the other one he was feuding with. The only thing them fights did was cause more arguments with his mother, since his brothers would make him so mad to the point where he would beat them up. Arguing and screaming, both saying words they don’t mean but meant in that period of time. Growing up Sean experimented with new things in high school. His freshman year he played junior varsity baseball and started every single game. Not including he was the only freshman on the team. Sophomore year came and he continued his high school sports career playing baseball and also trying out football for the first time. During this year he started partying and became wilder. Drinking was only on occasion and smoking was a one time a month thing. Junior year everything changed. He was heartbroken about not being able to play football because of his injury to his knee. Without walking for weeks stress started to grow. On November 11 it all changed though. He met a girl that would change his life forever, one that made him happy and one he could be his self around. They had a bond like no other. Throughout the year he stopped drinking and partying due to his commitment to her but smoking became more common. He smoked more because of his lyrical mind, and how better he thought more because of his high. His mom smoked cigarettes like she needed them, but was no fan of marijuana and hated it because of his dad. Senior year came around and Sean was hurt to find out he still can’t play football and never will be able too. Heartbroken he cried that night. Wondering why that happened to him knowing he could of got a scholarship. One thing happened this year that would change him forever though. The fact that his dad was leaving. After getting dropped off at his girlfriend’s house by his dad he never knew that it would be his last time seeing him. Well at least for awhile. While Sean was at his girlfriends house Sean’s father got into an argument with his mother about her ex-boyfriend. Sean’s mother and father were divorced, but his father came over every weekend to spend time with his sons, that’s all he really had anymore. His mother’s ex-boyfriend was a bum, pill popper, and didn’t have a source of income. Things came up missing in his house and he was the one to blame. His mother fell in love with him, meeting her ex five years ago at a graduation party. Let’s be clear he was a good guy, and Sean’s father and him used to get along till his mother and ex started arguing and fighting led to her ex putting holes in the wall. Sean’s father hated hearing that he was doing that and feared of his son’s danger in the house. So since then they never got along. One day in particular stood out, Sean’s father and his mothers ex got into it. Sean’s father threatened to kill him, even had his gun on his hip ready to end him but he never did thankfully. Since that whole argument he never came around no more. His mother was single and alone working midnights at a hospital in Ypsilanti. It just so happened that her ex came back around. She still loved him, she’s been with five years what can you expect. But that only meant trouble, as in what if him and Sean’s father crossed paths again; what would happen? Nobody wanted to find out, knowing it would be all bad. While Sean was with his girlfriend his dad texted him saying “had to leave early. Your moms a fool. I won’t be back; I will always love you and your brothers”. Sean was confused so he called his father right away and wanted info on what happened. It just so happened that his mother and her ex are slowly getting back together and that will only push his father away or even lead to his father killing her ex. He told Sean he’s going away and that he’s sick of being nice and taken advantage for it. Sean never wanted to hear those words… going away. His heart dropped and mind raced like horses trying to win the Kentucky derby. He was heartbroken. His father was the one he vented to, asked for help, did everything with. But now he’s going away. The next day his father quit his job. Sean asked him why he would do that and his response was “I’m done”. Without a job his father wouldn’t be able to pay his bill; nor would he be able to pay rent. His father just said it would be cutoff and he would just move across the country and start fresh. Sean asked but why? How would you see us? What will happen? How would we be able to talk?! His father had no answer so he hung up the phone. Sean sat there in the 45 degree weather with only a tee shirt and blue jeans on. He cried silently. Each tear rolled down his face as if it was a race. He didn’t know what to do or say. His mind was lost and he couldn’t help but suffer in the cold, rather than letting his family see him cry. Sean plans on trying to get his mothers ex out of the house one way or another. Whether it’s fighting him or making a deal his mother can’t refuse. He plans on asking her it’s either her ex or him. Which one does she want to keep around? He told her it’s hard enough being a single mother feeding three kids and now you want feed your ex who doesn’t have a job and just bums around the house all day? He considers him to be his mother’s fourth child in all reality. Sean is building motivation for the moment to where everything will change maybe for the better or worse. Sean feels like he doesn’t even have a father anymore after what he’s doing to him and leaving. His head is all messed up. School work becomes harder and he can barley focus on one assignment. Homework not being an option anymore continues to hurt him. All he can ever do anymore is sit there and think about everything while his head pounds with a killer migraine. His mother and him have a strong connection even though they argue a lot but he still loves her. He still wanted to take care and pay her back for everything she’s done for him considering it was a lot. Sean just doesn’t understand why her ex is still around. He believes his mother must be truly in love with him for him to be still here and staying at her house. Sean just lost and confused just laid there that silent night, strategizing about how he can make things somewhat better. It seems like it can’t happen but then again it could. He realizes there is nothing to do about his father being gone and he can’t get his job back. Soon his father will not have a phone due to him being disconnected for not paying the phone bill. Sean’s head is spinning faster than the earth on its axis. Spinning at top speed with no sign of slowing down until everything is confirmed right. As the day came he finally built up the courage to ask his mom that question. The question stating it’s either him or he ex to stay in the house and that she could pick. She told him he wouldn’t leave anyways but he was dead serious about it all. She dropped tears and said of course you; but he won’t leave. Sean built up with anger after hearing her say he won’t leave really hit him. He thought of the opportunity of doing things the physical way. He called a friend who lived 3 houses down and told him if it ever comes down to it that they will have to handle him. If her ex ever laid a hand on his mom he would kill him; in all seriousness. Days passed and that had a horrible argument; Sean’s mom was screaming and crying because of him. Sean couldn’t take it and called his friend and they started beating her ex. Sean could never kill someone, but he could definitely punish them. His mother screaming and crying even more as the violence occurred until he backed off and her ex left the house. As he left he told them he would be back and when he comes back Sean will be old enough for him to fight. Sean wasn’t afraid, but knew he couldn’t take on a 33 year old 220 pound man while he just turned 18. His mother fears but he doesn’t. Only if Sean’s dad knew all about this it would have all been different. Sean’s dad would kill him for laying a hand on his son. But where was his dad? No word from him since his phone bill wasn’t paid and only made Sean worry about how his father was doing. Curiosity always wandered with Sean, whether it was about anything. As his birthday came around he also thought his moms ex would also after his last statement. But he never seen or heard from him. He prepares for the moment, and knows that nothing good will come out of it and that someone will be seriously hurt or even killed. But even after all his mom has done to him, the arguments, fights, screaming, and yelling. He will still take the job and do whatever it takes to protect his mother.

1,759 words

The author's comments:
my short story

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