Excuse me, Life? | Teen Ink

Excuse me, Life?

May 12, 2012
By RaeRae20 SILVER, Wasilla, Alaska
RaeRae20 SILVER, Wasilla, Alaska
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one&rsquo;s definition of your life; define yourself.<br /> <br /> I prefer &#039;Iloveyou&#039; to &#039;I love you&#039; because there are no spaces for other people to come between us.

Excuse me, Life? I would like to talk to you. To ask you, will it get better? They keep saying it will. But I think they're lying. Am I supposed to love you? Even after you screw me over. Even after your cousin Death has taken my Daddy. You and everyone else expect me to love and cherish you. Why Life? Why must I love something that doesn't love me back? Please Life, leave me alone. I have had enough of you. Oh, and tell your cousin, Death, I'll be seeing him soon.

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