To Live Shall Be an Awfully Big Adventure | Teen Ink

To Live Shall Be an Awfully Big Adventure

September 26, 2011
By brave2012 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
brave2012 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To live shall be an awfully big adventure." -Peter Pan

I live to explore. To bend reality. To love deeply. To laugh without any care. I am human. I am made to do incredible, unbelievable things. I am made to scale mountains, to swim oceans, to jump and dance throughout the night. I am great. I dream. Dream of one day standing on top of a cliff, overlooking the world below, and shouting at the top of my lungs "This, is me!". I live for the mountaintops, capped in snow. I live for the roads less traveled, holding new adventures for every wanderer. I live for the nights spent outside with those you love, watching the stars slowly turn across the sky. I live for the oceans, for their watery depths. I live for the cities, cloaked in neon signs and grey suits, hiding the fragile structure beneath. I live for that wisp of a memory I cannot be sure wasn't just a dream. I picture the winding road, leading through the grassy fields, up and disappearing between the hills taking me to a lake house that may or may not have existed in some alternate universe. When life becomes questionable as to whether it is dream or reality. That is what I want. Those moments are what I live for. I've sailed the ocean, I've climbed the mountain, I have slept on the edge of a cliff one hundred miles from anywhere. I have sat there, completely still, and watched the sun fall below the miles of valley in front of me, and stayed there, and watched the stars appear above. It's only when you let go of the controls. Stop the feelings in your head, release the stress, forget the work. And see what is in front of you. That is when the surreal takes over. Almost impossible to consciously do. But those wisps of memories that you cannot be sure of come from it. I want to feel the reality slipping through my fingers as the transcendental world settles in. Spin the sky, paint the stars. Bring me that cosmic effect I so deeply dream of. To live shall be an awfully great adventure.


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