"The BreakUp/Another Roadkill" From HeartBreaker The Musical | Teen Ink

"The BreakUp/Another Roadkill" From HeartBreaker The Musical

August 12, 2011
By MargaretJean PLATINUM, Robins, Iowa
MargaretJean PLATINUM, Robins, Iowa
25 articles 3 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was outta luck the day the music died." -American Pie (the song)

aren't you so pretty, aren't you so nice
god i bet their still reeling
i bet they don't know the feeling
but i don't have time to give any more advice
this time i'm movie on
this time, ha!
i'm always moving on
this time
i'm kinda sad to be leavin
but i've gotta go

someday you'll look back
you'll see just what i put you through
and if i came back....
face it, i'll never come...... back.
it's just not something i...... do.
another roadkill
another one left behind
another person who's confused
i don't know what to tell you
i probably won't tell you
you'll just notice one day that i'm gone
i'm done.
i've done it before
practically each time i walk through a door
it's guaranteed i'll slip out again
another roadkill
another one left behind me
but what difference do i see...
i don't look back
it's onward now
i'm going on boys
and we're done here
i can't make much clearer...
i'm sorry to say
it's not easier the next time
sorry to say i regret what i've done
no time for regretting
no time for remembering
it's time for moving on

The author's comments:
Song i wrote about how my friend is feeling after her break up... it doesn't put her in the light of a very good person, but this is how she portrayed herself to me today. She says she's pretty sure she's the villian in the piece. Check out the second batch of songs I wrote for this same 'musical', called "The First Day/The First Dance"


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