denial; | Teen Ink


July 21, 2011
By misseili ELITE, Troy, Michigan
misseili ELITE, Troy, Michigan
168 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process." - Vincent Van Gogh

I don’t remember much anymore, except that all your attempts at greatness were quite frugal and entirely superficial, but that doesn’t matter anyways now.
So I curl up in the threadbare blanket on my porch in the middle of summer to watch the fireworks go out, and even though the heat is stifling, I still feel frozen, like I cannot continue to exist unless you are there too.
I am very tired now, so I tell myself over and over that this is a dream, until I almost believe it, until I taste the tears mingled with sweat on my lips and realize how I miss you so.


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