Her Secret | Teen Ink

Her Secret

January 31, 2011
By RavingMadReader SILVER, Reno, Nevada
RavingMadReader SILVER, Reno, Nevada
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dream as if you&#039;ll live forever.<br /> Live as if you&#039;ll die tomorrow.

I get out of the car and take a deep, deep breath. The wind tossels my hair back and forth in front of my face. When I shut the car door it echoes in the silence around me. I stare at the forest in front of me. The dark trees at the side of the road loom over me. I know this is what I have to do. I begin my descent into the dark forest. My feet crunch over the wet ground filled with leaves and sticks. It smells like the earth and I breath deep again as if I can't get enough of the scent into my lungs. I stop and stare up at the trees, then continue on my path. I'm very deep in now. I stop where the stump is. A long line is cut in the top of it. The line delves into other lines, and together they create a beautiful pattern. It's hard to look away. I pull out the tiny drawstring bag and set it in the middle of the pattern. For once a smile plays across my lips, and a warm feeling spreads through me. I laugh, a deep loud laughter that fills the forest making everything seem brighter. I stare down at the little bag. "For you my love." I whisper. I walk back the way I came, enjoying the scenery around me. A spring in my step. Happiness in my heart.

The author's comments:
This is a flash-fiction piece. I know what the story means to me. But what does it mean to you the reader? What do you take away from this story?


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