I hate texting | Teen Ink

I hate texting

April 8, 2010
By roselover PLATINUM, Somonauk, Illinois
roselover PLATINUM, Somonauk, Illinois
21 articles 9 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Alas the broccoli, my dark shoes!"--very poetic for a six year old

ZZZZZZZT ZZZZZZZZZT Beth’s phone vibrated. It was Jessica. The text read, “hey wasssssssssup?” Beth responded as fast as she could. She is not very good at
texting. She frowned at her text reading “hez hat ud”. She proceeded to erase and start over on her text slowly in her head she said, “one, two… one, two…one, two, three…Hey” satisfied with that she hit the send button and waited patiently for it to send. “MESSAGE SENT” “Ok now what was I gonna do, I remem”
ZZZZZZZZT ZZZZZT!!! It’s Jessica again, “Hi!” Beth roughly strings together, “ban I calk u in a minvte?” AAAAAAAH! I HATE TEXTING!!!!!

The author's comments:
I am such a bad texter so I just wrote down what I was thinking one day when my friends kept sending me messages before I could even read them.


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