Bad Haircut Day | Teen Ink

Bad Haircut Day

June 18, 2024
By ovo BRONZE, Tirana, Other
ovo BRONZE, Tirana, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On September 3rd, I was talking to my mom about my hair.  
My mom asking me: "why do you want to change your hair? I love your long hair. “ 
“Yeah, I love my long hair too, mom but you know, change a new hairstyle, start a new life. I'm quite excited about that! When I wash my hair, my friend says I look like I am acting in a horror movie, and at the same time, I wash my hair, my back feels sore” I answered her giggling.  
“Yeah, I get it, baby. Do you want to have your hair cut before we go to the beach?” Mom asked me gently. 
“Oh, of course” I answered. 
It is great weather and the right time for a beach day. On the way to the beach, we went to look for hairdressers. It is in a little street, it’s hard to find. We drove around the street which google map tells us, we didn’t find it, we parked the car, across the street, we found the shop it was beside our car. We didn’t see anyone out there. And then we saw the paper on the door “Sunday open from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.” Then mom said we can’t wet to 11, at 11 o'clock will have a bad traffic jam. So, we went to the beach. 
We were so happy and so excited about the beach, last month they were planning which beach we were going to. What food are we going to bring? Should mom buy a new swimsuit?  
“Yeah, she bought a new swimsuit.” I spoke. 
She looks like a bee is going to get the flower honey. The wind massed up my long hair, I closed my eyes, to feel the sea around me, I lay on the beach and listen to the waves crashing, I watched the sea rise, like our time is getting shorter and shorter, but the other days, it will rise it again, day after day, year after year. That was a wonderful time. I even collected some seashells I really like.  
After we came back from the beach, we all felt a little tired, I even fell asleep in the car. My head feels like someone’s shaking a milkshake in there. We drove into the city, we looked for the next hairdressers, in the morning that one now is closed. My mom and I were talking about how I was going to get my hair cut in the car, it wasn't too long before we got there.  
The shop looked nice, and the barbers were all women. I was a little bit nervous when I went in, because there were so many people in there! I guess this store is very popular, that's why there are so many people, and after I looked around for a while, one of the ladies came up to us and said,  
"Hello, can I help you?" She asked.  
 "We're here to get a haircut for this little girl who wants to be perfect at school tomorrow," my dad said. 
 "I'm sorry, we're trying on clothes, hair and makeup for a couple who are about to get married. It’s full today, but you can come back to do the hair cut tomorrow," one of the barbers said sadly to me. 
We blessed the couple, left the shop. I was a little disappointed, in a very short time, the street was getting boring. I'm like an emotional puppet, my emotions control me. 
"It's like rats love rice, that shop look nice, but I don’t want wait for tomorrow." I joked to my mother.  
"Ha ha, yeah, let's go to the next barber shop, I just saw one on google maps that looks good, let's go," mom said  
And then we got to the place, and it looked like the building was empty and we couldn't find the shop, my dad told me that it closed like two years ago, annoying google maps! 
"Let's find a barber shop on the side of the road that's still open right now, I'm tired! "I murmured. 
"I think that's a good idea. I just saw a couple of stores on the side road that are open," mom told us. I was sitting in the car, feeling a little numb, and I thought to myself, why is it so hard to cut hair in Tirana? Maybe today is not my lucky day. 
For the last time! We finally found a shop that was open and didn't have to wait too long! I was weird about why boys and girls cut their hair in different places; girls get their hair cut need across the street. But I didn’t think about it too much.  
I'm still looking forward to it! Until after she washed my hair and started cutting it. When the lady was washing my hair, it was fine all the time, it was just a little uncomfortable for my neck. I told my friend it feels like someone is stuck in my neck. And it is my first time cutting my hair with standing up, the barber, he was combing my hair, I saw a huge chunk of hair fall out, and my heart broken. What's even more amazing is that they blow dry my hair before they cut it. In China, we cut first and then dry hair. He cut my hair with a razor, not scissors! It shocked me. It is my first time having a haircut like this, that’s amazing.  
Soon I walked out of the hairdressers, I began to cry, for no special reason, it just I didn't like it very much. I felt a little ugly! My dad tried to let me think that fine, and he said he thought it was cute, and my mom she didn't say anything to me, and she didn't comfort me, and that made me even more upset.  
We went back home, I went to my room, I could not look at myself in the mirror, the hairstyle, I told all this to my friend, she began to comfort me, after a while I felt much better. My mom asked me to dinner, and I started to tell her why I was crying, and i didn't like the haircut. She gave me some of her advice.  
She said I could change my hairstyle again by myself, so I changed some small details and then, I made it a little bit curl, it looks much better, and now I love it. My friend told me my hair makes me look younger, is that true? Maybe kind of? I don’t have my special hair scarf anymore; it will grow back next year!  

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