The Day at Philly | Teen Ink

The Day at Philly

June 11, 2024
By Anonymous

It was Wednesday May 15, I have been waiting for this day ever since I started middle school. Today was our overnight 8th grade field trip to Philadelphia. I got up at the crack of dawn just to make sure I had everything I needed. I packed the night before just in case I slept through my alarm. 

“Ava” My mom screamed from down stairs, “Are you up?”

“Yes mom.” I responded

I continued to get ready for my trip by doing my hair and making sure I packed everything. Before I knew it I was in the car driving to the school. I hugged my mom goodbye and walked with my friend, Emma to the lunch room. When we went there, there was music playing by some students but not a lot and all of the teachers. 

“Good morning Ms.Ray” I said, putting my bag down on the table.

“Good Morning Ava, I am just going to check your bag to see if you have your phone.” She said while she searched my bag. “You're all good.”

I said thank you then walked over to my friends. We talked for a little bit, then we got our bagels and left for the bus. I am sitting next to my friend,Juliana, and Emma is sitting across from us.

“I am really tired, I think I might try and get some sleep.” I said to Juliana.

“Okay I am too.” Juliana replied. 

2 hours later……… Skeekkk, skerttttttt.

“What was that Juliana?” I said in fear

“I don't know. I was sleeping then I woke up and we were spinning.I think we got in a car crash.”

I looked around to see where we were and I saw that we were off the road on the grass and then I looked out the window and saw a car crashed into my side of the bus. The teachers told us not to panic but that meant something was really wrong. So I did what a normal person would have done and I started to panic. The teachers are trying to figure out what to do to get us too philly. 

“Student students, Everything is okay, since we are so close to philly the bus just dropped off the other students at the liberty bell and now the bus driver is going to come back for us.”

“Woohoo!” Me and my friends screamed

We sat on the side of the road waiting for the bus and played quack dilly ack. Two hours later the bus came and we went into the bus. 

“How long until we get to see the liberty bell, Mrs.Ray.” I asked

“Oh Mia, since the crash happened some plans have changed.”

“What do you mean?” I said nervously 

“Well instead of going to the liberty bell we are going to go to the hard rock cafe!”

I felt my heart drop. I really wanted to go see the liberty bell. 

“What. That's not fair.”

“I know but I will try and talk to Dr.Jean and try and see if we can go in the morning.”

I walked back to my seat looking like a child who just got told they were too short for the ride. We hit some traffic on the way to the Hard Rock Cafe. When we got there my friends and I ran out of the bus and got the first table. We are really hungry. I looked at the menu and ordered Mack and Cheese. While we were waiting for our food I decided to go see what the gift shop had. There was loads of candy so I got out my wallet and got some candy for me and my friends for later. I went back to my table and our food was there waiting for me. 

“Mia, how are you liking the Mack and Cheese?” Said Emma

“It is good, and guess what.” I replied 


“I got candy for later!” I said

We ate our food and then got on the bus to go back to the hotel room to get ready for dinner. We waited in the lobby for about 20 minutes but it left like forever to get our room key and find out who was in our room.

“Mia Q, Juliana L, Maddie P, and Emma C, you guys are room 526.” Mrs.Stine said. 

“ Oooo yes.” Me and Maddie said

We walked to the elevator and got to our rooms. When we got into the room I decided to up my drawstring bag that had my wallet, poncho, and my sweatshirt in it. I opened the bag and saw my sweatshirt and poncho, but no wallet.

“Guys, my wallet isn't in here.” I screamed

“No it has to be in there.” They all said

“I dumped out my bag and the only thing that came out was my poncho and my sweatshirt, nothing else.” 

“Well maybe it's on the bus or something.” Maddie said

“No I didn't take out anything on the bus, the last time I saw it was when we were in the Hard Rock Cafe.”

“Well we looked around our table before we left and nothing was there.” Emma said

“Okay, maybe it is on the bus.” I said 

I started thinking about how mad my mom would be when I come home and she realizes that I lost 200 dollars. I started freaking out to the point where I started crying. 

“Ava It's okay, we will find out.” JUliana said

“I am going to go to Mrs.Rays room and see if she can help.” Said Emma

“Okay I will come too.” I said

We opened the room door and Mrs.Ray was walking down the hall with my wallet. I ran to her and asked

“Is that my wallet?”

“Yea when you ran to the elevator I guess the front zipper wasn't closed and it flew out.”

“Oh my gosh, Thank you so much.”

We ran back into our room to start getting ready for dinner. An hour goes by and we go down stairs to go to the bus and have the bus take us to dinner. When we get to our dinner cruise we take a photo then we sit down at tables and before the ship starts to take off we get drinks. I got my drink and I started showing Emma my moon walk 

“Mia watch out.”  Emma screamed.

I turned around and Julianas bright red fruit punch spilled all over me. 

“Oh no.” I said

“I am so sorry I didn't see you.”

“No It's ok I am just going to try and get this off.”

I ran into the bathroom and drenched my whole dress with water, after 5 minutes of hard core scrubbing it finally came off. My dress looked a little wet but it's okay. I came out of the bathrooms and danced with my friends. After the dinner cruse we went back to the hotel room to go to sleep

“I am so tired.” I said to maddie walking up the stairs to our room.

“ I know same.”

We got back in the room, washed up and put on our pjs. We got in bed and were about to go to sleep but then we heard a knock on the door. I went up to go answer it and it was Mrs. Ray

“Before you guys go to sleep I want to let you know that Dr.Jean said we can go to the liberty bell tomorrow morning and get breakfast on the road and meet the rest of the people at the zoo.”

I was so excited I jumped with excitement. We closed the door and went to bed right after that because we just wanted to wake up and go see the liberty bell. Sleeping was okay, it was a little cold and the sheets were uncomfy. 

“Girl you ready to go?” Mrs.Ray said.

“Yes, we will meet you in the lobby in five.” I replied 

We finished packing and then went down stairs and saw Mrs.Ray waiting for us. We got in the uber and we were off to the liberty bell.  I could feel the excitement brewin inside of me.

“Thank you Mrs.Ray.” I said 

The author's comments:

This is based off a true story but I added some fake stuff into it to make it more interesting. 

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