My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

Free write: 

Every aspect about my life plays a role into how it makes it extraordinary, but also how it doesn't. Some things that make my life extraordinary are my friends, and my coworkers, they always know how to make my day better and help me with things/decisions and I am so grateful for them. Also my dog is very important in my life and brings me joy everytime I see him. His beautiful brown and black blend of color with his big glassy eyes just makes him so adorable. whenever I'm home he always boosts my mood instantly. Also just being a teenager and getting to have so many expirences. My family is definitely the main reason for what makes my life extraordinary, they are kind, supportive and will always be there for me even if no one else is. They will be my side, and I think thats what makes my life extraordinary. I have a lot of great memories within my family and friends like for instance when I was 12 and we had just gotten  my dog as an early birthday present for me, and the first time he went outside in our yard he dashed across the yard at a squirrel and he ran so fast and far that we found him 5 houses down the road looking up a tree at the squirrel. Another amazing memory I have with my family was when I was 15 my family and one of my best friends were going to go to the water park and we were so excited until my dad who is like a complete clutz fell down the stairs and had to go to the hospital for 3 stiches.  


Revise paragraph: 

During my time in composition I have grown so much as a writer by having more in depth details and words, and ideas as well. Also improving my grammar and puncuation during this semester. I am very proud of how much I have improved, learned, and grown as a writer. In this revised quick write at the start I had no stylistic devices, but when I was reading and thinking I saw so many oppourtunrites for the devices. I used the stylistic devices of showing and not telling to give discribtive detials of how my dog looks and give the reader a visual image. And I used the action verbs to show how rowdy my dog can be and describing how scary that was. The last one I used was a simile to show how clutsy my dad is and how it was a little funny.

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