Brian's Day | Teen Ink

Brian's Day

May 7, 2024
By Anonymous

A man named Brian walked to Jeff’s house because Jeff had a cat and a cool sink.

Brian wasn’t invited but is going to Jeff’s anyway because there is a cat and a cool new sink.

Convinced he is going to see the cat, Brian vigorously knocks on Jeff’s door.

“Dude, you need to chill out on that door-knocking,” Jeff said.

“Everything is fake, nothing is real,” Brian said.

“Fooey, bro are you okay that’s not something a normal person would say,” Jeff said.

“Go fetch your cat, I need to see him, pretty please with a cherry on top,” Brain commanded

“Hold on a sec’, I gotta see where he is,” Jeff walks into his house calling his cat’s name in a high-pitched voice, “Sprinkles… Sprinkle… come here buddy we have a visitor.

In an instant, Brian walks into Jeff’s house and navigates his way to the awesome sink.

Jeff doesn’t even notice because he’s too invested in trying to find the cat. 

Kangaroos hop around outside and Brian yells “Kangaroo!” and runs outside to fight a kangaroo.

Little did Brian know, that kangaroos are good fighters.

Mysterious noises then came from Jeff's house, so before Brian could get absolutely demolished by a kangaroo he walked inside the house to find what was making the noises.

Noises were coming from the basement so Brian walked down the stairs.

Odd whispering noises grew louder as he got to the bottom, but when he got down there Brian saw that the noises were Jeff calling his cat in a very high-pitched voice while Sprinkles was hiding under a 1970 Gibson Les Paul Custom.

“Ps ps ps ps, c’mon sprinkles you better get out from under that Custom Les Paul” Jeff begs.

Quietly, Brian creeps up on Jeff and scares him.

“Really Brian, I’m trying to get my cat and you think it’s funny to just come up and startle me,” Jeff says.

“Someone’s mad… I think I’m going to leave, your sink is beautiful, Buh-Bye now” Brian says

“Toodles,” says Jeff.

Underneath Brian's jacket is a Xylophone so he whips it out and starts playing it on his way home showing his skills to every person who passes by.

Vienna by Billy Joel plays from the xylophone very smoothly.

“What are you playing,” a random man asks.

“Xylophone… duh,” Brian replies.

“Yeah I’m going to leave now 'cause that was an awkward interaction,” the random man said.

Zingers start raining from the sky so Brian put away his xylophone and ate Zingers all the way home.

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