Blue | Teen Ink


January 17, 2024
By Jkantor01 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jkantor01 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My favorite color is blue because it’s the color of the sea and the sky. I like blue because it provides calmness. Blue skies, blue ocean, blue cars, blue houses, blue phones, blue eyes. The blue eyes of my mother were the first thing I saw when I entered this world. Blue is a color of comfort.

The blue sky fascinates me because there is so much out there. I want to explore and discover what it holds. Blue planets, blue stars, blue moons, blue rocks, and all sorts of extraterrestrial objects. Maybe there’s blue aliens on a distant planet thinking they are alone too. Blue is a color of curiosity.

Flat blue vast seas cover our planet, with life and creatures unknown. The seas contain the remnants of our lost battleships, fallen soldiers, and sunken treasures. I love the ocean, and its soothing sounds of waves crashing on the beach. Blue is a color of composure.

Blue birds, blueberries, blue whales, blue flowers, blue earth. The color blue shows up everywhere in nature, living and nonliving. Blue is all around us and sometimes we don’t even notice what it truly means to us. My favorite color is blue because blue is the color of life.

The author's comments:

this is a piece about my favorite color and why it's my favorite color.

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