Platonic Love | Teen Ink

Platonic Love

January 16, 2024
By Anonymous

        Platonic love is my favorite form of love, when I think of platonic love I think of the countless nights me and my friends stay up late talking about the stupidest things like how our future is going to look like all the way to planning each others weddings, whenever I see my girls all my worries go away, they heal my heart and make me feel alive and a sense of belonging. Putting on makeup, curling hair and laughing while driving in the car blasting music, singing all together like there's no care in the world to having deep conversations late at night and shedding tears together, I always use to think expressing my feelings to people was hard until I met the ones that make me feel the safest.

 Platonic love lasts a lifetime and I couldn't see myself without my best friends, they have made the biggest impact on my life and are like my sisters without blood. They make me feel a sense of happiness and always flash their sweet soft smiles that make my heart warm and make me know my worth when I feel like I don't. They lead me on the right path and want me to grow into a better person just like I want them to. It's such a genuine love and that's why it is my favorite. There's no competition between each other, no judgment, jealousy and so on. 

I believe that people were put into my life and I thank God everyday for putting these angels in my life and am grateful for being able to meet these girls with billions of people in this world. One of our favorite things to do is admiring nature in the car while having our favorite tunes and yummy snacks next to us and seeing the beautiful sky and new places while hearing the birds chirping and the trees blowing in the wind and admiring God's creation together It is such a bittersweet moment. 

So if anyone asks me what my favorite form of love is I think you know the answer.

The author's comments:

This piece came from my heart I truly love my friends and am grateful for having them in my life so I wanted to express that feeling in my piece and have others relate to what I wrote about.

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