The backflip | Teen Ink

The backflip

December 21, 2023
By Anonymous

One day Tim wanted to do a backflip, but he didn’t want to do an ordinary backflip. He wanted to do the biggest backflip ever. So he decided to do it from space. He called Elon Musk from space x and told him what he wanted to do. Elon was all about it and got him the funding and resources he needed. He went through training to prepare him for the backflip. He did training to withstand the g force of the launch in a launch simulator. He passed out and threw up all over himself. Then he went to training for the actual backflip. He went into a zero gravity chamber and practiced doing the flip in the suit. The first time he flipped and flew up to the ceiling because there wasn’t enough weight in his suit. Then he practiced the landing. The landing was supposed to be in the ocean so he didn’t hit the ground. So he practiced flipping into a pool of water. While he was flipping he smacked his head on the edge of the pool and knocked out his 2 front teeth. 


Finally it was time for the flip. He woke up at 5:30 am and he went to the prep and launch site. Elon was there and so was a team of scientists and doctors. “I don't need any of them”, said Tim and got in his suit and on the rocket.

The launch countdown started and Tim was braced into the chair. The rocket took off and since he didn’t have the right training he passed out and threw up again. He came to once he was in orbit and he got up and went to the jumping platform. He jumped and did the flip but he kept flipping. He was flipping out of control and since there were no scientists he was going to land in a house. He reached the ground and went through someone's roof and got stuck on their floor. He was still alive and when the news got there he showed his smile with no front teeth.

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