Sloppy Battles | Teen Ink

Sloppy Battles

November 17, 2023
By Anonymous

I felt my toes sinking into the white powdery sand as I looked out into the sea.  The serene waters called me; I desperately wished home was like this.  A civil war back home told me to flee.  It was these silly, sloppy battles in which I wished I would be carried away by these currents.  Distressed, I threw a stone in the ocean, which ricocheted on the waters as the bullets did on me.  Just a ways ahead, the sight of two figures embracing caught my eye.  Maybe these gunshots could be carelessly fired, but love could still win.

The author's comments:

This piece is really important to me because it captures the picture of a struggling family.  This topic was relevant at a point of time in my life, so this piece holds a dear place in my heart.

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