Here We Are Again | Teen Ink

Here We Are Again

November 6, 2023
By Ginandpotatos BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Ginandpotatos BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   They’re in Boston for the hot, sticky summer.The soft laughter and harmony that was once there between them has disappeared. They’re in Maya’s house with a warm peach glow and a dimmed hallway light. 

“ Years have gone by,” Leslie, the visiting girl, says. She sips the burning coffee, just to be polite.

“ This home…,” Maya laughs uncomfortably. “….It’s just.I hate it. Reminds me of too many things. These necklaces, remember we used to love these,” Her eyes fall to an old necklace clutched in her hand.

“ What things?” Leslie says her eyes scanning the peach- colored room. 

“ A story.” Maya reminisces.. 

She turns the necklace in her hand, beginning the story. 

 There were two girls. Very close, basically best friends. They even had those ridiculous store bought necklaces that matched. It was the day for Mrs. Bloomfield’s Chapter 5 Math test. One of the girls, Maple, scanned the room for the other girl, Fawn. Fawn was nowhere in sight, Maple felt a sense of sadness. She felt abandoned. Not truly, but lonely. Like a sad little pastry that was burnt crisp.

“ Find seats, come on people! Mrs. Bloomfield claps thunder and people begin to scatter. 

“ Maple!”Fawn cries. Her eyes finally land on Fawn. Fawn’s hand is on top of an empty dinky plastic spinner chair. The ones that everybody wants. It was beautiful. Maple gracefully sat down, her eyes smiling. Fawn wasn’t going anywhere.

“That’s it,” Maya says shrugging, resuming sipping her coffee.

“ I liked it…,” Leslie lies.

“ You didn't, didn't you?” Maya shakes her head. Leslie offers a sad smile in return. She gets up with her things walking to the door. She stops at the wooden door frame and turns.

“ Things didn’t happen the way they should have, huh?” She says, her eyes falling on an old necklace clutched in Maya’s hand.

“ Goodbye Leslie,” Maya closes the door. She watches Leslie leave. Again. Things hadn’t changed.

The author's comments:

This set piece is about two former friends, Leslie/Fawn and Maya/Maple, reflecting on their friendship that was broken a while ago. Maya tells Leslie of an important story when they were still friends before Leslie ditched her. I attempted to write in third person and a story within a story.(Like RC)I also attempted to create a tense, sad mood and emotion. The necklace mentioned in the story is also the necklace Maya is holding in the end and beginning.

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on Nov. 15 2023 at 12:16 am
Charlenecool0223, Cupertino, California
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It’s me Charlene