The Tree Outside | Teen Ink

The Tree Outside

November 3, 2023
By Anonymous

Outside there is a tree in Kennedy Middle School. It has grown from being planted from a seed to a plant and then to a tree. Countless seasons and years have passed. People step over where it is planted and some people scratch it and kick the dirt around. But still the tree is living. 

One day, a student named Robert came to the tree and asked the tree, “ how was it like when you were small, how did you feel happy, scared.” The tree sighed and then began. 

When I was small I was really scared to see people when they would come next to me. I thought that they would step on me. I thought that I would not be able to live for that long. Other plants had such big roots while I had just a few which were thin and fragile. I was very vulnerable to death and thought that everyone was there to kill me. 

Slowly I began to realize that everything will be ok. With time, I began to grow older and then I became larger and larger. When other scared plants came I gave advice to them that you will live and believe in yourself. They thanked me for the advice and then realized that they could live too. 

One random day, I found out that I was going to be transplanted. Not just that, I was going to be transplanted in a school, a middle school. I would get so much attention and I would get torcherd by the students because they would harm me. 

Soon after, It was the day that I had to move. I was very sad. The people came, took me from the planter to the school. I got planted there and luckily there was no one there. I got comfortable and then students the next day came into the school. I was ashamed. Everyone was pointing at me. I realized though that they never used to say bad things about me. I began feeling that they were my friends. I felt happy about my place and then began to grow and grow. I am still growing and I am happy to be here. I don’t want to go back now because I feel happy here. 

“Thank you for telling me” , the boy says. The boy starts building better relationships with the tree and comes to talk with the tree more often. 

The author's comments:

he purpose of my set piece is to use personification and acting like the tree actually speaks English.

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