You Walk So Quickly | Teen Ink

You Walk So Quickly

October 14, 2023
By ssitchwe BRONZE, Manila, Other
ssitchwe BRONZE, Manila, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The only sound that can be heard are our deep breaths, yet the echoes of our laughter resonate. I remember when our steps were synchronized, a silent duet of love, but now, we stumble along, barely keeping pace with each other's hurried strides.

"Do you remember," I begin, "when we used to take our time and let the world melt away around us?"

You glance at me, the moonlight softening the lines of your face, but your eyes remain distant.

A deep sigh escapes your lips but your silence remains.

The connection we once nurtured has slipped through our fingers like sand, leaving us grasping at the fading memories. The weight of loneliness blankets me like a creeping shadow. I yearn for the days when our path seemed endless, when our hearts and dreams were one.. Now, we're like two ships sailing the same sea, but in different directions.

As I gaze at the night sky, I can’t help but think of us. We used to dance to the same song, but now our footsteps are no longer synchronized. We were once like stars, glowing in the dark galaxy, but we grew apart and our orbits are no longer in sync. I long for the days when I still considered your presence my sanctuary.

The night breeze is cool against my skin, and I reach for your hand, but you pull away. Like a subtle, painful reminder of what we once were and what we've become.

At that moment, it hit me— perhaps we've outgrown each other. 

"Maybe it's time for us to find our own rhythm." I whisper,

Your eyes meet mine, and for the first time tonight, I see a glimmer of emotion. Our steps are no longer synchronized, and as the night deepens, it becomes painfully clear that our walk together has reached its end.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece while listening to Seventeen's "Fast Pace", it's the fifth song of their album "Going Seventeen". 

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