Science Experiment | Teen Ink

Science Experiment

June 4, 2009
By Elizabeth Witcher GOLD, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Witcher GOLD, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
17 articles 1 photo 1 comment

For a science experiment five people were randomly pulled off the street and asked what they saw in the clouds. These are the results.

INTERVIEWER: What do you see in the clouds?
PERSON 1: Water droplets, frozen water droplets.
Notes: Rolls eyes, and is clearly annoyed at being pulled off the street.
INTERVIEWER: What do you see in the clouds?
PERSON 2: A pony.

Notes: young girl
INTERVIEWER: What do you see in the clouds?
PERSON 3: My creator.

Notes: Is wearing a religious outfit, as well as religious memorabilia.
INTERVIEWER: What do you see in the clouds?
PERSON 4: An ice cream cone.
Notes: Seems to be overweight, and is holding a foot long hotdog in one hand
INTERVIEWER: What do you see in the clouds?
PERSON 5: A castle, locked in battle, two sides struggling to gain the higher ground. The one side is pushing back. It’s crumbling, and fading away into nothing. The blood oozes to the ground far below. The soldiers keep on fighting for their Lords. Then it stops. The victorious troops drink yellow beer to celebrate, and red wine to aid their wounds… Or a pink candy cone

Notes: ummm…


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