Forget Me Not | Teen Ink

Forget Me Not

March 11, 2023
By Am1ra BRONZE, Hayward, California
Am1ra BRONZE, Hayward, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them. - Twelfth Night.

Sadie was one of the most popular girls at school. She was beautiful, smart, kind, everything a person wanted her to be. The girls envied her, the boys wanted to be with her. Her family was the best in the world. What more could she want?


“Hey Sadie!”

“Oh hey Xander!” called Sadie, blushing.

Xander fiddled with the hem of his shirt “I- I was wondering if, um, you would like to be my- I mean- be my date to the dance?”

If Sadie noticed how his voice went up a few octaves higher, she didn’t let on. Her mind was too caught up processing what her *cough* not crush *cough* had just asked her.


“Um I mean you can say no! You- you don’t have-”

He was tackled by a hug from Sadie, cutting him off.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Sadie could see the disbelief in his eyes, as if the latter had been expecting her to say no.

“R- really? Oh um, okay yay! Um- I-”

“Sh, pick me up at seven tomorrow”

Xander nodded dumbly and scurried away, leaving his date floating on clouds.


Sadie couldn’t believe it! It was her dream come true. She relayed the news to her parents, who were absolutely overjoyed at their daughter’s happiness. If only they knew what was about to come.

The next day, Sadie put on her best dress. Dark blue with sky blue butterflies and gold highlights. She saw her ride and squealed. It was going to be the best night ever!

As she stepped out of the house, Xander stepped out of the car.

“Hello Sadie.”

“Xander, hi! I’m so excited, how about you?”

She saw Xander was trying his best to keep that “gentleman” facade, but he cracked up.

“You bet!” He exclaimed as he handed Sadie a rose.

“Aw! How swee-” Sadie stopped talking as she saw Xander rip off the petals and take something out from the center. “You broke my rose? I shall break your spine sir!” she gasped as she put her hand on her chest mockingly.

“Haha, actually I have a gift for you” Xander said as he put a necklace around Sadie’s neck.

Sadie was stunned. He actually did this? She flung her hands around Xander.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Anything for you.”

She sat in the car after Xander had slipped in, and they started talking about all that they would do, until the taxi driver took a harsh turn.

“Um, excuse me?” Sadie called, “Our stop isn’t that way.”

The taxi driver kept driving.

Now Xander and Sadie exchanged nervous glances. This wasn’t right…

“Um if you please- MFF!”

Xander was cut off as men in black put a cloth to the couple’s mouths, the stink invading his and Sadie’s nostrils, as they dropped off to sleep.


“adie, Sadie!”

Sadie woke up with a gasp, trying to remember where she was. She saw that she was in her bed, her parents looking worried by her side.

“Sadie what-” Something in her parent’s eyes changed, “Who are you?! Get out of our house!”

“Mom, Dad, it’s me!” Sadie cried out, unable to figure out what happened.

“We don’t have a daughter! Get out!”


Sadie ran to her school, her parents didn’t know who she was, they kicked her out! Maybe she could stay at a friend's place. Yes, that is a good plan, she thought.

She arrived at the school right when the bell rang. It’s eight a.m. she thought. 


Her best friend stared at her.

“Do I know you?”

Sadie was shook, everyone forgot her? No, it couldn’t be. There was one more person to try, if he forgot, well, that meant everyone did.


“Xander, hi!”

The boy smiled politely at her.

“Are you new here?” he asked.

Sadie’s heart crumbled into pieces, Xander forgot her too? She ran out of the building sobbing, life wasn’t worth it anymore.


Outside her house, she held a knife against her chest, ready to end it all, until a thought occurred to her.

She didn't want to die… at least not yet. She wanted revenge. She didn't care if it wasn’t their fault, she just wanted them to feel pain. 

She looked towards her parents bedroom window. She knew who her first victims would be.


Year after year, people died in hundreds, with no way to explain it all. Xander barely went out anymore, even if he was in his early thirties. His whole family died, and he needed to continue his legacy.

A knock at his door sounded. He froze. What if it was the killer? But… he did order pizza, maybe it’s just that?

He cracked open his door and peeked through it. He could see someone holding a pizza box. Xander breathed a sigh of relief. He fully opened the door and his eyes fell on the pizza delivery person.

She was gorgeous. So beautiful in fact, that his mouth fell open. 

But, he didn’t remember inviting her in, but he must have. Because they were in his bedroom. With a knife at his throat.

“W- what are you doing?” he croaked out.

“Shh, don’t talk. I just want to tell you that you are the last person on earth. Other than me of course” the lady chuckled.

Xander felt fear now. He was going to die, wasn’t he? He was the last person… ever. But, as he looked into the woman’s eyes, he remembered everything. A dam had burst, and a torrent of memories rushed into his mind.

Xander’s eyes widened “Sadie?”

Sadie beamed “Someone remembers me now? But I will still have to kill you, sweet.”

“B- but why? Revenge isn’t worth it!”

“Revenge? No!” she laughed maniacally “This is payback.”


“I thought you loved me. How wrong was I?”

“I do love you!” Xander yelled desperately. 

The last thing he heard was his former lover, whispering in his ear.

"It's funny how everyone forgot about me, but I killed them all."

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