Gathering Blue | Teen Ink

Gathering Blue

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Truth: the true or actual state of a matter/conformity with fact or reality ( The definition of truth illustrates that in this dystopian world, Kira's village is all around the truth. It seems as if there have been many lies that could reveal everything. This is a major impact because without the truth Kira would not  have figured out what happened to everything. In the story Gathering Blue, Lois Lowery shows how Kira's life has had many obstacles  that  have a pattern. All of Kira's obstacles lead to the unexpecting truth that may or may not have been wanted.

The author explains how Kira doesn't know what to do because she has to believe the one outcast that told her otherwise. This could be a start to many revealing truths. Although this may be true, Kira doesn't know  for sure because it would lead to things that wouldn't make sense.  Page 110 “ There be no beast,”(110). This is supported because after everyone in the village said  there are beasts the one woman who is outcaste finally says there is none. This is very important because it's another clue to Kira because it brings up someone contrasting with the people in the village. This also makes Kira think if there are no beasts but then what happened to her father. Not only does Kira think about if the beasts are real but if they didn't affect her father,  now she has to think about how Jamison ties into it. The author explains the clue to Kira finding out the truth is that the person who was looking out for her,  defending her, and the only person she had left, Kira finds out that there's another person and gets treated very harshly by him.“They heard Jamison's voice; it was harsh now. Kira never heard him speak that way. The door slammed shut,”(123).This is related because Kira thought of Jamison as a nice guy who has been helping her but then she finds out about another person that is getting treated so badly. Kira now may be thinking about the bigger picture because she doesn't know who to trust or why Jo is being treated this way. Kira also finds out that there is another person who is leading to the truth. The author creates a picture here that Kira has finally found out the truth about her entire life, her home and family. On the other hand Kira also still needs to think and worry about what is gonna happen now. “ As for Kira, she had no family. Nor any home. As she noticed the spirit of her mom drift away…no one would desire her.” “Perhaps her mother was poisoned.. So they can capture Kira's powers the same as Thomas and Jo,” (2-4/210). This is a connection because she has no start so all she could have done was go to the council and hope  she becomes the weaver. This was the start to her entire journey of finding the truth. We then later find out that it was all on purpose and it wasn't sickness that killed her mom. The entire thing was a setup. Despite Kira finding out about the truth and how it was a total setup, she still needed to find out what exactly happened, there is also a bigger question, what happens next?“ Her father was alive…fast with a club to the head. I was stunned and dazed as he left me to die…. Jamison tried to kill me,”(169). This acknowledges the truth because  it's very unexpected, they now need to figure out what happens next. Jamison was a liar and tried to kill Kira's dad and mom. They now need to make sure this won't happen to Kira later in the future. 

The author in the novel Gathering Blue gives many examples of how one obstacle leads to another. Each and every one reveals another truth of the story. He acknowledges hints and clues to Kira that maybe it was all a lie. On one hand Kira found out the truth about her village but on the other hand she needs to find out what next and how it should be done. Because the author did this it leaves kira with strong emotions of confusion. The author leaves the reader on what happens next in the story and highlights that Kira's world is full of lies that lead to the truth.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece based off of the story Gathering Blue 

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