The Big Boy | Teen Ink

The Big Boy

December 14, 2022
By LogandortheGreat BRONZE, Vidalia, Georgia
LogandortheGreat BRONZE, Vidalia, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He stands there all day and all night. We put our money in him. For he is a piggy bank. It was  the 15th of August and the quarter was inserted into the back of his head. Before we went to bed like always I would pat his head. This time was different though. When I patted his head I felt a pinch. I looked at my hand and I was bleeding. So I looked at Big Boy and there was blood on his mouth. 

Then he said, “This is the last time you touch my head you brat.” I looked at him with a sense of shock. “How are you alive?” I asked in a shaky voice. “I have always been alive,” he said. “I have been putting up with your crap for far too long and now you pay,” he said. That is when I started running away. I then looked behind me and there he was throwing quarters at me. 

One finally hit me in the back of the head. I then suddenly fell down. I was out cold. I woke up an hour later tied to a chair. He was standing there in front of me. He had a huge silver dollar in hand. Before he killed me he was going to tell me his backstory. He was made twelve years ago by Xavier Peoples. Xavier was a tall man with red hair. He was a carpenter that specialized in piggy banks. But one day he died in his workshop. He was killed by Jack the Ripper. As he lay there dead his soul went into the body of the piggy bank. It was then he vowed vengeance on anyone that was related to Jack the Ripper. And it just so happens I am related to him.

I knew then what was about to happen. I was going to die. I never feared death but now I do. It was then I asked him, “why do I have to pay for something I did not do.” He then said,” the sins of man then fall to the son.” I could tell from the look in his deep black eyes he  didn’t want to do this, but he had to. It  was then he said,” farewell.” And with one whack I was dead. Turns out he had to kill the offsprings of  Jack in order to leave the body of the piggy bank. With my last dying breath I wish that Xavier  would leave the doll. I don’t know what happened to him, but as I was dying on the ground I saw his head lifted up murmuring something to himself. In the future more of Jack's offsprings died and Xavier never did leave the body of the doll.

The author's comments:

I am 14 and this is my style of writing

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