The Lone Tree | Teen Ink

The Lone Tree

November 7, 2022
By Anonymous

The big maple tree stood tall as the seasons changed. No one paid attention to the beautiful tree on the side of the road, not even a single glance was given. Spring was here, along with the sweet mellow sun, not yet at its peak of fiery heat. Summer came with blazing heat, the maple stood bearing the heat with its forest shades. Slowly, these magnificent green tones melted into light yellows, then mellow oranges as the weeks went by. Fiery hues surrounded the tree’s many branches and twigs. Autumn had arrived, and soon the gentle breeze would carry the leaves to the soil, to preserve the plant that once gave it life. Branches then trimmed, awaiting winter. Gales of winter approached the bare branch tree that stood lonely in the cold, harsh winter breeze. Soon, wisps of spring crept up from behind. New leaves came into view for the cycle was repeating once more. But still, no one takes a second out of their day to appreciate the ever changing tree.

The author's comments:

In this piece, you will find that this piece is written in the third person point of view with metaphors being used to describe the tree. I am emphasizing how people don’t pay attention to the small things around them. This is the same for the tree. It stands alone as the seasons pass with no one stopping for a moment to just appreciate its colorful leaves. My favorite part is when summer transitions to fall.

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