What The United States Flag Stands For | Teen Ink

What The United States Flag Stands For

November 4, 2022
By Anonymous

Every year I go out to eat and watch fireworks on the fourth of July. Coincidentally the Fourth of July Is also my mother’s birthday. Obviously, we celebrate my mom’s birthday, but this also shows how grateful I am for all the people who served this country because I get to celebrate independence and my mom.

Celebrating the Fourth of July is Important to me because the whole day Is a massive celebration from going to a parade in the morning to the fireworks at night. I celebrate this with my loved ones and I’m thankful to have these opportunities. Every year there Is something knew and special that happens and I will always remember. For example last year the hartland firework show increased the number of fireworks and they consistently make the ending better every year.

This year there were so many different concession stands and food trucks that came to the show. Although, every year there Is a veteran that walks around with a cart of American themed toys and he always shows his love for his country.

I find It important to know what the flag truly represents because If we’re living in this country and don’t respect the flag we shouldn't be here. I think everyone should know that the 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies. Also, the 50 stars represent the 50 states and I’m grateful to live in one of them.

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