The lost | Teen Ink

The lost

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

The hallow creek fall carnival is the place no monster wants to leave. Everyone goes at least once in their lifetime. I mean it only comes once every century but for some it might never leave.

 Meet Bones, Mel, and Ghoul, a group of monsters that are known for causing trouble around town. Bones the leader of the group is a skeleton, Mel a witch whose best friend is Bones , and Ghoul the goblin who is Mel's cousin . As every other kid in town Bones and his friends were getting ready for the carnival. The night had just begun when they arrived at the carnival. Surrounded by fields and fields of corn, the Ferris wheel lit up with orange, red and yellow lights glowing like a thousand lanterns.(simile) All Bones could see was games, rides, haunted houses and mazes.  Feeling the gush of wind from all the rides, hearing the screams all around the carnival, and seeing everyone running from place to place. Excited with the rush of adrenaline, Bones and his friends didn’t know what to start with. They went from stand to stand: from the candy covered apple stand to even the spider pit stand. However, when they were in the pumpkin throwing stand Bones had seen a werewolf stuck in a cage he grinned at the thought of someone panicking stuck inside a room. As soon as that thought crossed his mind he remembered walking past the haunted house exit door and it clicked. Bones let out a tremendous grasp catching both Mel’s and Ghoul’s attention. Bones then told them his wicked idea. Bones decided that locking the haunted house exit doors would be a good laugh for everyone. Bolting to the exit doors Bones, Mel, and Ghoul grinning like a clown(simile) then decided to each have a job. Bones would lock the doors while Mel and Ghoul would distract the security guard. However, as soon as Bones was going to lock the he saw someone petrified rushing towards the door trying to get out he shut the door right before the person could get out. Sprinting from the door still hearing the person shouting and banging on the door Bones didn’t even turn to look once at the door.(imagery) Finding his friends cracking up decided why not end the night doing racing in the corn field maze.

Looking at three entrances, turning towards the others, then bolting inside trying to beat the other two. Bones wasn’t even looking where he was going he was just sprinting till he couldn't anymore. Stopping to catch his breath, and realizing he has been going in circles. Knowing that he was lost he was looking for any sign of monsters. Creeping from turn to turn, hearing his own steps, smelling the corn, and feeling like someone was staring at him, finally bumping into someone. A vampire who looked as if he wasn’t scared to get lost. Introducing himself to the vampire trying to befriend him seeking for help. The vampire was named Frank, he had told Bones that he had gone through this maze many times and that he knew it like the back of his hand. Although Frank looked like a nice guy, Bones had an eerie feeling about him, feeling as if he had seen him before, but still followed him. Frank had been telling Bones that he was so excited about the carnival finally arriving in town. All Frank talked about was about how the carnival was known for their haunted houses and how thrilled he was to go through it. Distracting Bones from how they went through the maze. Nearing the end of the maze, according to Frank, Bones had forgotten all about the race, not even realizing how long it actually took him and Frank to get to the end. Finally reaching the exit Frank grinning like a mad man letting Bones go first waving goodbye. Bones walks out the exit with his back facing forward waving and thanking Frank for helping him, finally turning around glad to be out the maze to only realize that he had just started the maze again. Thinking why would Frank do this to him. Bones got a flash back to the haunted house exit door remembering the face of the person running towards the door before he locked it. Bones shouting out towards Frank asking for help to get out, regretting ever locking the exit doors just wanting to get out. Only to know that there was no going back. Wishing he had treated others how he wanted to be treated.

The author's comments:

Short story for English class

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