A Lovely Miracle | Teen Ink

A Lovely Miracle

September 12, 2022
By lisetteg BRONZE, Houston, Texas
lisetteg BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A 24 year old girl named Grace who lives in California and who is full of life finds out she has lung cancer. As devastating as it sounds, she did not let that interfere with her love for going out and having the time of her life with her friends.

One day she went to the mall with her two best friends Klarissa and Jenny. During their girls shopping trip, they went to every store in the mall and everything was going well for them until Grace had some unexpected consistent coughing. All three did not suspect anything because they just assumed it was a normal cough and she needed water. They continued shopping and Grace started coughing again but this time it was worse, blood was coming out of her mouth. Both Klarissa and Jenny started to worry for Grace, so they immediately called her mom Lauren. Her mom quickly arrived at the mall and took her daughter to the hospital. They got to the hospital and the doctors took her in. They told both Grace and her mom Lauren that the coughing blood was a symptom of her stage 1 lung cancer. In order for her to cure correctly, she was told she needed surgery. Grace was too scared to go through all of the surgery process, so they offered her other curing options. The two other options were having chemo or radiation therapy. She agreed on doing the therapy since it wouldn’t be as scary for her. After the doctors and Grace discussed their plan, she went back home.

Time passed by and Grace continued to attend family and friends parties and functions. More and more time passed and her cancer started developing.

As Grace's lung cancer got more intense, she started to experience more symptoms. At this point she was at stage 2 of her sickness. Grace started losing weight and a loss of appetite. Her and her mom were starting to get worried because they both thought it was moving as fast as a speed racer. Lauren, her mom, took Grace to her chemotherapy. The chemotherapy is used as a treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast growing cells in her body. The doctors told both of them her chemotherapy process would take about 3 to 6 months, depending how her body takes it in.

Grace continued to attend her chemotherapy for almost a month. Her check up with the doctor was due, so she went for her appointment. The doctors told her that her lung cancer had developed and she was at stage 3. This stage was more crucial because her sickness was starting to spread all over her body. Her doctors said 1 to 3 people diagnosed with stage 3 cancer live up to 5 years after their diagnosis. He also told Grace there is a 26% survival rate but that is it really rare to live after the lung cancer has developed. Grace and her mom were completely devastated.. They both left home and told their family about the most heartbreaking news ever.

Although Grace was at stage 3, she continued going to her therapies to help avoid the cancer from spreading and getting worse.

Grace had reached her last stage of lung cancer and the chances of her dying were high. She felt blue and had trouble focusing, confusion, coughing, extreme tiredness, and a little interest in food. She was feeling down, but still pushed through it all.

One month later, they went back in for her check up and they received some unexpected news. Grace’s mind was going all over the place, but the news happened to be good. Doctors had announced to her that there was a beautiful miracle and she no longer had cancer. Grace and her mom jumped up and down filled with tears of joy and thanked God for always being by her side through the good and bad.

The author's comments:

My name is Lisette Granados and I love being occupied with extracurricular activities.

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