A kettle’s neutralization | Teen Ink

A kettle’s neutralization

August 26, 2022
By Username21 BRONZE, New York, New York
Username21 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Mark writes his homework on a balmy summer night a heat - unlike any of the ones that he has experienced in his entire life, eats at him tortuously. Even when he turns on his aluminum desk fan which was shipped from somewhere far, the heat still attacks him from every angle. Mark gets unimaginably sweaty, as if he was a fast-running kettle, boiling its inner water up to 95 degrees. 

“Hey Mark, mind if you lend me your desk fan for a minute?” said Mark’s older brother who was boiling in his room just like Mark. 

“What if I said no --”  

“Mom, Mark is annoying me once again!”his older brother interrupts. 

As Mark goes downstairs to make that symbolic act against his brother’s obtrusion with his mother, his older brother charges toward Mark’s desk and swiftly unplugs the desk fan - Just a starving cheetah catching that juicy prey. Because this happens so often, Mark did not even bother to respond. After his brother’s sudden raid, a wild desire grasps Mark’s young and innocent mind - as well as a need for revenge. Mark thinks about his future, which is filled with hopes and longing, and finally decides how to change this unbearable summer.

Mark knows that there will be tempting conditions that will arise. Up front, he refuses to pay for the new season of his favorite online game. He refuses to purchase that rich, high-calorie, and highly satisfying ice cream that everyone would after a Saturday Cram school lesson. Mark refuses his school’s annual diving trip on the coast not far from the city. Mark refuses to purchase the latest version of the short video platform of 2022, just to lessen the burden and distractions for this summer.

After resisting all kinds of very tempting and irresistible conditions, Mark holds all the money that he saved throughout the summer, which feels like a lengthy journey to reach a certain goal. By this point, Mark feels elevated. Underneath his skin, Mark’s brain imagines a waterfall. Anymore, he is now sitting right next to a plain rock that has been smoothened by the endless stream of water flowing over time. After all, the water seemed to penetrate his body. As Mark sat in front of his desk once again, now even the sound of weeding the neighbors on the street doesn't affect him either. This time he felt that the summer heat could not even boil him like a kettle.

Not long after, his tired body collapses in front of his desk with his desk lamp on. He is particularly conspicuous to the ones passing by on the street. Due to the satisfaction, his dream is filled with the results of his recent struggles, the bright future. He imagines numerous results of what he could do with his money in his dream, but all of them were indescribable - something that you must experience yourself to make a connection.

On the next day, the day where Mark’s long journey all ends, Mark finds out about an unforeseen event that he could have never predicted. All the money that he holds over time is gone, vanishes. As everyone would do by this point, he searched everywhere. Before searching further, the level of anxiety Mark is experiencing by this point is indescribable. The fact that by this point, it is not something that he could simply forget about as the chances of finding the money is just winning a lottery.

By this point, Mark is in one of those “5 minutes before the end of a class.” conditions - here the teacher is having unnecessary conversations with other classmates, which simply never ends.

Now, Mark’s effort and his mental achievement within his inner self get beaten and bring him back to the start. “So, did the kettle that remained calm now erupt like a volcano?”, said his older brother walking by with a mocking tone. Mark replies, “One of my friends lost all his money after some sort of an accident, what do you think his mom will be saying?” “Not to mention that we’re talking about money, I’d say she will already ground him for not being responsible towards his own property,” said his older brother.

As Mark's older brother walks away, a tense mood starts to build up within Mark. Furthermore, just like a kettle that is about to explode due to current overflowing. While he was searching with remorse where he could have left it somewhere safer, when he puts his hand in his pocket to apologize to his mother, a traditional body language when apologizing - it turns out to be in his pocket for this entire time.

In the end, now there is only one thing that Mark has to do, where he has to reach his final destination. Right after Mark finished his lunch, he left the house immediately - leaving his brother and his mom in doubt. Mark rushes to this inconsiderable shop on the side of the road where he passes by after each cram school lesson. By this point, Mark finally reaches the goal and his reward. To draw to a close, it is an imported vintage hanging fan that you can only see in 70s movies, equipped with a variety of adjustable modes and an olive green cover.

When Mark arrives home, he gets greeted by two young men in technical uniforms along with his brother at the door. As Mark’s older brother notices Mark with this new fan, he speaks with a funny tone, “So you just ignored your supreme brother’s message? Not going to lie, that’s a bit emotional to me.” Mark then replies,

“Um, you do know that I never spend 24/7 on my phone right?” His brother continued,

“Well, not quite,” said Mark,

“I thought that speaking to you online would make you feel more comfortable.”

“Anyways, did you spend all the money that you’ve saved throughout this entire summer on a fan? That's… impressive but stupid” as his brother tries to hide his laughter,

“Hm, thanks I guess - I never really get a compliment from you though, seems like I’ve got to work harder to earn my supreme brother’s respect. By the way, what’s up with the technicians?”

“Ah right, about the message - You do know that you could have told us, mom calls these people in to install an actual air conditioning system for the house." 

"Nah, this is still a valuable purchase," Mark replies in a confident tone.

“Sure, you do you.” as his brother walks into the house.

Mark then heads upstairs to install this fan, though it is not for him - He purchases this fan for his brother as he installs it in his room. At least by this point, heat would not be a problem to Mark's brother and Mark anymore.

The author's comments:

As September is coming up soon, the heat that the entire world has experienced starting from August is just beyond words. Not to mention various unexpected accidents such as forest fires and heat waves.

In this sweltering summer vacation, aside from the natural weather, I think there is always something that will give people short-term relief. So, within "A kettle’s neutralization" - I'd like to introduce this young individual, Mark, who will seek his way to solve the heat issue around him where this time, the surrounding environment causes objectives to be unaccomplished. Let his mind, just like a kettle that is about to boil go through difficulties and ultimately get neutralized.

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