August 2022 Fiction Contest: Resurfacing Trauma | Teen Ink

August 2022 Fiction Contest: Resurfacing Trauma

August 18, 2022
By Anonymous

I touched my swollen face and looked down at my sticky, bloody hands. I had a splitting headache that made me feel nauseous; I was used to this feeling, but of a different caliber. This tipsiness I had come to associate with long nights sipping on champagne and aged wine never ended with lips parched, covered in sand and vomit. From afar, I watched Mr. Goldman walk along the rocky coastline in his ravaged suit. He left behind billowing clouds of cigarette smoke that reminded me of the fog that had cost us our yacht, now scattered along the jagged rocks.

The author's comments:

This summer my family and I were fortunate enough to visit the coastline of Maine, and although the water was too cold to swim in, I enjoyed the sight of waking up early in the morning and watching the sea fog loom over the placid water. This piece is loosely based off of my time spent there.

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