The Pine | Teen Ink

The Pine

June 1, 2022
By NoahL GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
NoahL GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Standing in the middle of a field desolate of anything else, Void of any emotion. Stands a tree, a humongous pine tree that seemed to Stretch to the heavers. With every gust and breeze from the north, the tree would croak, with its sound reaching as far as the eye could see. The great Pine bellowed as I drew near. The frigid Winter air bombarding my neck and back giving me goosebumps. Within inches of the tree everything feels Chaotic, thoughts turn to Jumbled Words and Screams telling you to run. My hand inched closer and closer and then all of a sudden everything dropped away, the gusts of wind disappeared as if the skies stopped blowing, the thoughts of malice and dread vanished and quickly turned to relief as if all my senses were not being used anymore. Floating in infinite space, I feel a connection to the tree as if I've seen it before or quite possibly someone I've met before. As we gyrate through the expressionless void the deep nothingness turns to blinding white light as it envelopes me. I jolt awake in my bed sweating bullets from head to toe. I look around as if expecting the tree to be there too, but it is not. 


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