Two Married And Three Dead, As Totally Overcomplicated Love Pentagon Results In Complete And Utter Tragedy | Teen Ink

Two Married And Three Dead, As Totally Overcomplicated Love Pentagon Results In Complete And Utter Tragedy

July 15, 2021
By cuppanoodo BRONZE, Cerritos, California
cuppanoodo BRONZE, Cerritos, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love triangles are for the weak and simpleminded. 

Love pentagons, on the other hand… that’s where it’s at. 

Now, evidently, when a story like this emerges, it gives off an absolutely irresistible scent that attracts brilliant news reporters such as I. Three Parisians dead in such a short time span? I smelled foul play.

Naturally, I had to investigate. And what better place to start than the two suspects themselves? Lovers Cosette and Marius Pontmercy were able to give me some insight on the situation. Having met two of the three victims, Mr. Pontmercy provided me with key details concerning these people. 

“Another girl? Oh yes, there was another girl… I forgot her name. Epinephrine? Dopamine? I don’t know. It was one of those neurotransmitters, though,” he had said during the interview. “And that old dude… I don’t know what happened to him. One moment I was lost in my wife’s beautiful, luscious, lovely, gorgeous eyes… and then the next moment he was dead.”

Mrs. Pontmercy was of equally much help to my investigation. 

“Levi Valjeans, was his name,” she told me. “I don’t remember much about him. Something about a bucket, a doll, and cleaning up a white stain on my clothing… but that’s about it. You know, once you’ve got a husband to love, there’s really nothing else you need.”

Needless to say, my visit to the Pontmercy household had supplied me with more than sufficient evidence. At least, enough to eliminate them as murder suspects.

And yet, there was still no information concerning a “Javert.” All I had was the word off the streets. Something about him being a total nutcase, and finally having gone completely inSeine? And Cosette had mentioned a secret love affair between him and Levi. 

Obviously, I still have some investigating to do. However, I have made some significant progress in solving the case. It is only a matter of time before I get to the bottom of this. 

Mark my words.

The author's comments:

This is a news article based off the events of Les Miserables.

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