The 13th Floor | Teen Ink

The 13th Floor

October 15, 2019
By Mickey231 BRONZE, Benzonia, Michigan
Mickey231 BRONZE, Benzonia, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best. St. Jerome."

There was a apartment building and it’s been there for a hundred years and nothing bad had happened there then one night a girl died but they didn’t get the guy that killed her so she started to stay there too they found the guy that killed her. 13 years later at the apartments a woman named Alicia came to stay there and her Jake husband and her kid Zoey. They got a flat tire the kid got the mom to come to the window  he went away from the window and she did to and her husband fixed the car. They went to the apartments they got a room on the 13th floor they got the room number 280. Then a loud of friends come to the apartments all on the 13th floor higher than room 280. They were in the rooms 281,282,283,284 two were in one room. There was an old lady in a room on that same floor there was a scream it was the old they couldn’t tell what was wrong because they can’t get in the room. All of them get the manager but shes not there so gage finds the keys and gose to the 13th floor it was too late they opened the door and she was dead they called the cops they came and took the old lady. They all went to bed the next day they planned a place to bury her in the ground. “It is 9:00 and their was a sound in the hallway I didn’t see anything I turn around and there was a thing behind me I couldn’t tell what it was because I passed right out” said Alicia to Jake. There was a scream it sounded like a 14 year old boy it was Gage he saw the same thing I saw I asked him if it had a black cap around it and he said ya it did.I go to see kylie and Zoey to see if they're ok but  that sound came back I grabbed Zoey and I yelled for Kylie she didn’t come I found her dead in the bathtub she drowned in the bathtub. I race down to the room where everybody was.”Hey you guys I found kylie dead in the bathtub I heard the noce and I picked up Zoey and I yelled for Kylie but she didn’t come so I went to see where she was but she wasn't in the rooms so I looked in the bathroom and they're she was dead in the bathtub” said Alicia. 

They go to bed and erin gose away from the apartments and ends up in a nice home and she lives happily ever after but the rest still are they're and not living happily ever after.Every night the thing comes back and takes one of them to kill so they are staying in the same room as everyone else to keep them safe and they are making a plan to kill the thing that is coming for them. They go to the first and jake stays up in the room they see the thing again and that means that something wrong is about to happen they forgot that Jake was up in the room still. They go to the 13th floor they found Jake on the floor he wasn’t dead he faked it so the thing wouldn’t kill him  they all went back down to the first floor they were so happy that he was faking to be dead. It’s 9:00 and nothing is happening they go to sleep cain goes out of the room and then they hard a scream it was cain but they were too late they couldn’t get to him in time they all help pick him up and carry him down to the first floor and then they call the cops and tell them what happen they ask them if they could have a cop here so they can help them keep the rest of the people safe. Than the cop came rushing in the door he said he had seen a thing with a black cape on it and that was I could see said the cop then was pulled away from the door than the door slammed close the thing picked up gage and started to swing him around and around and then it dropped him on his head and that killed him in a flash. They're is 5 people alive and we will keep you alive I will call 4 more cops and you will be hand cuffed to them at all times he called them and they came but they didn’t cuff them but they went to bed. Bill and he went down the hallway they all heard a noise in the hallway he was hanging by his foot but  they got him down before the blood rushed to his head. Bill told them to leave him alone so they did but the next morning they found him dead in the corner in the hall. They buried him the next day they got they're family gathered up. We help them through the hard time then they went back to the apartments to get their stuff but before they left the apartments they thought of a plan to kill the black color thing that has been killing all the people living in the apartments so they are thinking of something to kill the thing but it is hard to think of something because they don’t know what they are going up to than they thought of a ghost box sucker that sucks up ghosts before they kill again.” I got it we can make a ghost box. They make a ghost box it took one day to make it. They made it and put about 20 ghost box on the 13th floor and it took about 3 days till we caught the ghost before anyone else die in that apartment complex and Alicia, Jake, Zoey lived happy ever after.

The author's comments:

It's a Horror story, but it is not a very good story.

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