My Forever Home | Teen Ink

My Forever Home

January 16, 2019
By NicoleJimenez2019 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
NicoleJimenez2019 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are the leader of your own destiny no one can lead it but you."

                   Dear Santa Claus,
I, Janelle Wilson am an orphan, I’ve spent 5 years in this conservatory, every year i’ve spent i spend time with kids just like me. Kids who understand how i feel, how lonely it can get to wait and wait without knowing how long it’ll take. After 5 years i’ve been asking for the same thing every single year, today i’m writing you a letter not to ask for that wish but to thank you for granting it, Today is the day before christmas and i’ve gotten notice that a family is willing to adopt me.It almost seems unreal to me, after all these years of wanting only one thing i’m finally getting it, Though it’s bittersweet. No matter how happy and astatic i may be i have to admit that i feel an overwhelming sadness in my heart,Because i’m leaving the people who have stuck with me my whole life. I’ll never forget all the people i’ve met at this orphanage, Like how Ms.davis use to make christmas cookies for all the kids and how I use to help her decorate them, I loved seeing the joy on everyone’s faces as they ate the cookies i made, And how could i forget Mr.Ross and how he use to dress up as you, He put whipped cream on his face and put pillows in his stomach for all the little kids, They all seemed to enjoy it and even though i knew it wasn’t really you it still put a smile on my face, All these christmas traditions that the orphanage gave me, I never noticed but i really felt at home. It’s quite silly to be honest after all the years of wanting a family I never took the time to look around me and really appreciate the amazing family I had right here the whole time. Thank you Santa you really showed what i couldn’t see for so long, These people will forever be my family.

Janelle Wilson

The author's comments:

This was a short story, about a young orpphan on the day before christmas.She has to say goodbye to everything shes ever know but will forever keep her orphanage home in her heart.My message here was that you should always appreciate what you have bacuse you'll never know how important it is until you lose it.

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