The Wall | Teen Ink

The Wall

July 17, 2018
By Anonymous

In a forest lived two towns, one with rabbits and one with hares. Although they were essentially the same animal, the hares despised the rabbits. "They think they're so much better than us," complained one hare.

"Yeah," chimed in another one, "and they take all of food and land!"

"We should do something about it," the first hare suggested.

By then, all the hares in town came to listen, and the president of the hares declared, "we will build a wall between our town and the rabbits' town, so they know what is ours and what is theirs. We will have no interactions with the rabbits because of how we've been treated." So all of the hares got together to build a wall, while the rabbits looked on in confusion. They didn’t hate the hares, as the other town thought, but simply wanted to be friends and work together. The rabbits begged the hares no to divide the towns, but the hares didn't listen.

"They just want our food and land, not us!" they all complained. Once the wall was built everyone in the hare town was happy until they realized that the wall on the wrong side of the carrot patch. The rabbits tried to bring them food but were unable to get by the wall.

"Sorry, I guess we can't help you anymore," sighed the rabbits. And it was then that the hares realized their grave mistake of separating from the rabbits.

The author's comments:

The current political turmoil and the possibility of a wall separating the United States and Mexico inspired me to write this story. I hope that it brings awareness to this issue and encourages people to love their neighbors, no matter how different they may seem.

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