The Party | Teen Ink

The Party

May 16, 2018
By ijswim BRONZE, Davis, West Virginia
ijswim BRONZE, Davis, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She felt like a water bottle in the garbage compactor. It was like the feeling of stress she felt often. She tried to take her mind off work, but it was no help. She tried but had no voice to scream. “Stay calm, it makes it easier”, a voice pounded in her head. The voice was comforting, it reminded her of herself, yet it was still unfamiliar. Black empty space surrounded her. “Just a moment now”, the voice rang. Voices broke her bubble of darkness.  Desperate, she called out to them but again she had no voice.
Light hit her like a brick. A party came into view. A table with presents stacked on either side. Children were running and playing. Adults gathered in the family room laughing and talking. She tried to join them, but she was stuck. It was as if she wasn’t even there, like she was only watching from a distance.
A mother appeared from the kitchen with a cake. For a moment she stared at her. The mother reminded her of herself, who she always wanted to be.  The woman looked down at her daughter. They exchanged a smile and she whispered something to her mother. Suddenly it registered. This beautiful woman with a family and this life she always wanted. “Alright, you’ve seen enough”, the voice trembled.
“Wait!” she tied to call but she was whisked away to the empty darkness. “What is happening!” she tried to scream. “Again, if you calm down it is easier”, the voice said. A new light appeared in front of her. She braced herself for impact, but it never came. “Calm down dear”, the voice said gently, “getting into the future is much harder than getting out”. A flash of light, and she was back the world she so wished to change.

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