The first day | Teen Ink

The first day

May 16, 2018
By Anonymous

It’s Malik’s first day at his new job, after school he rides his bike over to the warehouse. It is just a block past his old job that paid twice as less than this new job will. When he arrives everyone working there seems pretty casual. It seemed like a fairly easy job too. He walks over to the manager's office and knocks on the door.
“Come in,” the manager, Joseph, barked.
Joseph came off as very aggressive at first. He doesn’t trust new employees all that much. When he realizes it’s Malik, a wide grin spread across his face. Malik sat down and for the next half hour they discussed the rules and how he would be getting paid. It was an under the table job, so no taxes would be taken out of his paycheck. Which is even better since he could use all the extra money he could get. The last thing he had to do before starting was to sign a contract saying he wouldn’t open any of the customers packages. He didn’t think much of it because who would open someone else’s package anyway? Little did he know the meaning behind that contract.
He started out at the front desk answering the phone. Calls coming is for orders, it sounded like a fast food company. Everyone calling asking for numbers, a number on, a number 7, or something like that. Malik had no clue what all the numbers meant but all he had to do was write it down and pass it along to the delivery man. 3 and a half weeks later, the delivery man was fired for stealing one of the packages. Joseph approached Malik the next day with a serious look on his face. He asked Malik if he knew how to drive. Malik knew how to drive fairly well despite the fact he didn’t have a license, he shook his head yes.
“But I don’t have a license though,” Malik said innocently.
Joseph handed Malik a small white card with his work ID picture on it.
“You do now.” Joseph winked and Malik became tense.
Joseph described the new position he would be starting. He also mentioned he would be getting a raise from $15 to $25 an hour. Malik’s eyes widened when Joseph mentioned what his new hourly rate would be.
After learning all the details of the job, Joseph reminded him of the contract he signed before he started. Malik’s curiosity started rising but he didn’t even think of opening a package. This job was too valuable to risk getting fired.
He went to the back and picked up a delivery bag and a lists of addresses. He delivers all the packages and collects money from each customer. It wasn’t your typical UPS or Fed Ex where you pay over the phone or online. Some of the customers seemed a little sketchy too.
Malik had one package left, and his curiosity was getting the best of him. He opens it… Malik looked around shockingly to make sure no one was around to see what he just opened. His eyes wide he closes the small box quickly and drives to the next customers house. He gets the money and leaves as swiftly as he can. All he can think of while he’s driving was the little bags full of white powder. Malik had never done drugs except for smoking some weed, but he knew exactly what is was when he saw it. He wasn’t sure what to do. Leave this job or continue playing dumb. The money would be a lot of help to his older brother for the rent payment, and putting food on the table for his younger siblings. The past three weeks were some of the best days they’ve had in a long time. Malik and his brother usually didn’t eat much, they always gave their food to their younger sister and brother to make sure they stayed healthy and strong. But with the extra money Malik was bringing in, him and his brother were able to eat too. Malik made the decision to stay quiet. He told no one. His older brother would kick his ass if he knew what game he was running.
The stress over money started to subside day by day. Paying bills became easier. But Malik’s grades started to drop due to the stress of hiding his big secret. The anxiety that he could get caught any day. His brother started telling him to get his s*** together or he shouldn’t be working as much.
A week later, after Malik gets home from school,  there is a knock on the door. His brother answers the door and Malik’s heart is racing. He locks his door and climbs out of the window. He hears his brother’s voice. He’s yelling and banging on the door. Malik starts sprinting towards the woods. He can hear sirens in the distance. He doesn’t know where to run, where to hide. He had never been a troublemaker and was not used to being on the run. He saw his friend Joyner sitting on his girlfriend’s porch. He stopped and looked at him with desperation. Sweat running off his face, panting like a dog. Joyner with a puzzled look on his faced waved him over. They went inside and he told Joyner everything. Joyner, being the thug he is, slapped him on the back and said,
“It’s about time you joined the game.”
Malik looked at him with an unpleasant look.
He slept at Tamari’s house with Joyner. After a long night of thinking, he decided it was too late to turn back now. He picked up deals with Joyner and his other friend Alex. He dropped money in the mailbox at his house for his brother to find weekly. He knows his brother does not approve of his decisions. But he still has to provide for his younger siblings and get them to a better place in life then where he’s ended up.

The author's comments:

I like it the best out of anything I wrote

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