Earthbound | Teen Ink


May 16, 2018
By Anonymous

There once was a kid named Lucas. He was 12 year old and was very brave. He was taller than most kids and was a quick thinker. He was brothers with a 12 year old kid named Ness. Ness was a kid that was really interested in science and he had been since 2nd grade. He won tons of science fairs with his strange, yet smart inventions. There friends from school, Paula and Jeff, were very different from them. Paula was a sassy 10 year old girl, who was interested in basically everything. She loves investigating whatever she sees or finds. Jeff, on the other hand, was a bit of a coward. He was 12 years old at the time and didn’t want to be involved in anything remotely close to Sci-Fi. None of them carried a weapon except Ness. He always carried a wooden bat around with him. He got it when he was about 6, on his birthday his dad gave it to him.

One stormy and foggy night, Lucas, Ness, Paula, and Jeff were all awake at 1 AM doing there math homework over the phone.
“I can’t believe we all put this off until now,” Jeff exclaimed.
“Well, I had better things to do,” Paula responded.
“Like what, shoe shopping?” Ness questioned jokingly.
“Maybe…” Paula said in a quiet voice.
“Guys, hurry up I have a quiz tomorrow and I need sleep,” Lucas said firmly but tiredly.
“I blame Paula,” Jeff said.
“Why me? Paula asked in a loud obnoxious voice.
“You two stop your bickering and just help us finish this work,” Lucas said to them.
“Fine,” they both said, and moved on with their work.
They all worked until about 3 AM and everyone finally went to sleep, except Lucas. He couldn’t sleep because he had heard a loud crashing noise outside his house. He wanted to go investigate but wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, because no one was awake and if he went outside he could get in a lot of trouble. He tried for another hour to sleep but eventually he got angry, so he got dressed, put on his shoes, and went outside. Even thought it was winter and 4 in the morning, for some reason it was burning hot outside. He saw smoke coming from the top of a hill about half a mile from his house. He wasn’t going to do this alone, he went inside and got his brother Ness to wake up. Once he got up they both went over to Paula and Jeff’s house.  The four kids walked over to the hill to see what that smoke was. They finally got there and saw what it was, but they weren’t able to get any closer then 50 feet away. It was a meteorite, it was blocked by police tape and caution signs. Because Ness was just so interested, he had to touch it. He ran past the tape and caution signs, and right past the police.
“Ness stop come back here!” Lucas yelled, running after him.
He came up to the meteorite and all he did was poke it. Nothing happened. He didn’t feel different at all it just felt like his hand was a bit hot.
“What if that hurt you?” Lucas said, “Mom would kill me.”
“Oh I see you’re more worried about yourself getting in trouble then me being hurt,” Ness said to Lucas, turning to walk home.
“I was kidding Ness, you feel fine right?” Lucas asked, signaling Paula and Jeff to follow Ness.
“Yeah I’m fine I guess,” Ness responded, “My hand just feels a bit hot.”
“Alright well that’s good now let’s-,“ Lucas got cut off.
“And now that we know about that meteorite we can tell everyone at school about it, and we can be the most popular kids at school,” Jeff said in a very enthusiastic voice.
“No,” Lucas said firmly, “We tell no one about any of this.”
They all agreed, and went back home.

The next day they all woke up late. Lucas went to wake up Ness but when he walked into his room he wasn’t there.
“Ness?” He looked around the entire house but no sign of him. He decided to go and ask Paula and Jeff.
“Nope, haven’t seen him,” said Paula.
“Neither have a I,” Responded Jeff.
             Lucas ran outside without saying another word. He quickly looked around but found no sign of Ness.
             “Maybe he’s at the school,” Lucas said to himself panicking, as he biked over to his school. Behind him was Paula and Jeff slowly making their way to the stool as well.
             About half a mile down he heard Paula call to him, “Why are we going to the school, it’s closed today.”
                          “There’s a chance that Ness could be there, because yesterday he told me that         some kid wanted to fight him on Sunday… which is today!” Lucas called back to Paula.
                           When he realized that, he sped up his pedaling and went twice as fast as before. “Oh my god, he’s gonna kill him,” Lucas kept saying to himself.
             When they finally got school, he looked around in the front, but found no sign of Ness. They all went to the back of the school to see if he was there and what they found was 2 kids about to kill each other, but one kid looked like he was in the air, about 2 feet off the ground. The other kid, still ready to punch, wasn’t in the air, but was still taller then the kid who was. They could see how tall the kid was but couldn’t figure out who it was.
           “That can’t be Ness, right Lucas?” Paula asked in fear and excitement.
           “I… don’t know,” responded Lucas in an unsure voice, as he just stood there and watched.
          In a flash, the kid in the air kicked the other kid straight in the face. He fell over from the impact, but so did the other kid. They walked a bit closer and could see who they were. The kid who was in the air was, in fact, Ness, and the other kid was a bully in the school named Jerry. All the kids in the school were afraid of him, yet Ness is there, in a fight with him. Jerry got up and so did Ness. Jerry tried to swing at Ness, but he dodged it so perfectly that Jerry ran away. Lucas was amazed, along with Paula and Jeff, and slowly approached the, again, floating boy.
They all agreed that his powers were from the meteor he touched the night before, but they weren’t completely sure. They all agreed to not tell anyone about his powers, only that he beat Jerry in a fight. Ness and Lucas and Paula and Jeff became some of the most popular kids in their school that day.

The author's comments:

It is cool

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