X Game Mode | Teen Ink

X Game Mode

May 16, 2018
By Anonymous

It had seemed like a normal day when Professor Ryder woke up To go on his daily five A.M. jog. He did his normal morning rituals right before going out on his run. He closed the door and started for his run, but he had a weird feeling about today. He didn’t think of it and just kept running. So he started jogging down the trail that was next to his house, when he saw this weird looking portal type rock.
“Well I don’t know what that is but I’m staying away from it” he thought to himself as he kept running when his curiosity pulled him back and he started examining it, “Wait this is a mobile portal to another universe” he grabbed the rock and ran back to his house and when he walked in his wife was feeding their kids breakfast.
“Wow, that was a fast run, how far did you run” she was putting the cereal boxes away and turning back to Ryder.
“Only a mile because I completely forgot about something I need to do at the lab, so I ran back here as fast as possible and now we are here” he was talking really fast because he was trying to get the rock to his lab, so he could further investigate.
“Oh well I see you are in a hassle and I’m about to take the kids to school, so I love you and I’ll see you later” with that she grabbed the kids and their backpacks and left the house and she drove off in her Audi.
“How did she not notice the rock” he now headed upstairs to get dressed and go to work, “Ok so I’m gonna test this thing in the lab, but which one won’t be occupied because I need to keep this secret” this created an obstacle in his investigation because no one could know or else there would be no point of the discovery. He changed and left the house and drove to work in his Lamborghini. When he got to work he was greeted by his co-worker and his brothers who is the co-manager to the business. “Hey, Brian how was your morning” asked Blake who was dressed in his lab coat headed to one of the many labs. “Hey Blake, what’s going on in the lab” Brian now following Blake to see why he was going to the lab. “The new team of scientists we just hired found what the said was one quarter of a rock that is disguised as a portal to an alternate universe” they were entering the lab and Brian was very happy because he already had the other piece of the portal, but now he only needed the piece in the lab to complete the portal and explore the other universe. “So, what are they doing in the lab now, and when are they going to be finished for the day.” Brian and Blake were in the lab watching the group of scientists dissect the rock and try to find out what the rock is capable of. “Well I think around lunch time, but don’t quote me on it.” Blake looked at the scientists and then at Brian who had started to walk out of the room and to his office.
Brian was doing paperwork when he noticed it was lunch break. “Time to go get that rock and find out where that portal takes me to” Brian left his office, acted like he was going to lunch and snuck into the lab and grabbed the rock and connected the pieces together. He was shocked that it actually worked and a huge vortex popped up and doctor Ryder took his lab coat off and walked through the portal. He was instantly transported into time warp that seemed like it lasted forever to Doctor Ryder. Meanwhile on Earth after Doctor Ryder walked through the portal it closed and everyone was coming back from lunch and they went straight to the lab to find the rock connected and a note sitting next to it. It said, “the only way to re-open this is to bring the rock to the original landing spot once you do that the portal will open there. I will give you a hint, one of you has a brother who jogs a certain route every morning it is lying somewhere in a bush. “Who connected the portal while we were gone” that arose a multitude of questions around the lab and it hit Blake and thought he instantly knew exactly who it was who accessed the portal. “It was Brian my brother who used the portal and I know exactly where he runs” Blake grabbed his stuff and left the building and was also accompanied by his co-workers who were willing to help get Doctor Ryder back to Earth and out of wherever he was.
Meanwhile Doctor Ryder had landed on the planet and was walking around when he saw a huge arena with bright flashing lights all around it. “I wonder what is going on and I have a gut feeling whatever it is it’s not good” Brian proceeded to walk to the stadium anyway because he was already very tired, confused, and all he wanted was to find out where he was and how to get back home before his wife and kids started to worry about him. So he entered the arena and immediately after he entered the room he got kidnapped by a few tall muscular men in all black suits. Brian could hear whispers and felt heavy movement like he was getting thrown up flight of stairs. “Where am I” Brian got loose and stood up and was face to face with the emperor of the planet who was a very muscular man with many scars on his face and one huge scar on his right arm. His eyes were stormy grey and he had a naturally mean look to his face. For a minute Brian and the man, whose name was James, stared at each other in the eye with no expression. “You must have got the portal I sent to earth” James had began to start talking and so did Brian. “Well yeah I did and I regret ever using this portal, how do I get out of here I need to get back I have a wife and kids to take care of them. I have a business, a brother who is probably trying to find me, and I have to take care of my mom” Brian was pacing the room and furious now. “Your brother knows where you are and a matter of fact is on his way here to come save you. The only way your getting out of here is by defeating me. My henchmen will take you to your weapon room once your brother shows up and speaking of him there he is. “Blake I’m sorry for this, but the only way out of this mess is to defeat this him and I can’t do it without you, so will you help me” Brian now walking over to Blake who was very confused. “Of course if it matters about getting back to Earth” Blake, Brian, and the Scientists were getting escorted to there gear room and weapon room. “Oh and by the way this is Planet X welcome, this is the X Games so good luck and I forgot to mention that if you lose you will become my prisoners forever” James headed down to his layer where he keeps his weapons.
So, it was time eventually to fight the emperor to get back to Earth. “Here goes nothing” Brian and Blake were holding Zapatrons. “The plan is for you scientists to run and rush him while me and Blake flank around the sides of the arena and ambush him killing him which will instantly transport us to Earth” the gate open and they entered the arena. Thousands of people were filled in the stands yelling and screaming “destroy them.” So, the giant clock hit zero and the battle began. The scientists did exactly what they were told to they rushed the emperor and they were over powering him. Then when Blake and Brian showed up it was game over for Emperor James. “We did it that was a crazy experience” Brian hugged his brother and then he passed out and woke up in the lab. They immediately through the rock in hole and buried it for no one to find. Brian closed the building for the day and went home and was greeted by his wife and homemade dinner. “Welcome home honey” Brian went and hugged his wife and the story ends here.

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