Red Sand | Teen Ink

Red Sand

March 16, 2018
By TomGardner BRONZE, George Town, Other
TomGardner BRONZE, George Town, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

4:56 P.M. September 4, 2015

Barry thinks he knows where his friends are taking him, after the 3 hour drive they made him take. As the wheels of the car slow the crunching of the gravel starts. The dirt track lasts for another agonizing 30 minutes but, now the road stops. The only thing Barry can see is the orangey, purpley, hue of a beautiful California sunset. The California coastline is known for its beautiful cliffside beaches and this was one of the best ones he had ever seen. But this one was unknown to the majority of people, a beautiful beach undiscovered by millions. Perfect, thought Barry as he heaved open the trunk door.


6:04 P.M. September 4, 2015

Barry had had few too many and he knew it. The piercing pain, split through his skull like it was being shattered by hammer. In a flash Barry felt the coarse sand across his face. The world was sideways, his friends were getting further away and it seemed as if they were walking on walls. The sand made his feet sink and cave in under the weight of his body. On his hands and knees, throwing up way to much liquid Barry sees a flash of silver buried in the sand. Then it is gone. With the sand whipping across his face Barry finally finds his legs and barely manages to stand in the howling wind.

He shouts out to his friends, “HEYYY, I’ll just be a minute!”

Struggling to control his breathing he shouts once again, “I think I found something, so don't go yet!”

He knew his friends hadn’t heard him. He could just tell from the way the continued walking like he didn’t exist. Barely controlling his emotions he convinced himself, They won’t leave without me, they’ll have to wait. With that thought embedded in the back of his mind Barry starts to search for that silver glinting object.

6:17 P.M. September 4, 2015

After searching for 15 minutes Barry had come up unlucky. Damn, where did this goddamn shine come from! he thought. Blinded with rage at himself he lunged for the nearest object, a sharp rock, whirled around at lobbed it as hard as he could into the open ocean. It skipped once then sank with a splash. As his right foot came down on the ground Barry was suddenly rocked by the extreme pain coming from his heel. Almost immediately his vision became so blurry and out of focus he can barely see. My god, what has happened? he wondered. Slowly Barry begins to feel all the energy in his right leg leave until it just gives out. Crumpling to the ground in second Barry’s hand finds itself on the shiny object. What the heck.. thought Barry, the shiny object was going through his hand! Lying down on the ground Barry saw the cliff above him.

“J*sus, its tall”, muttered Barry.

Then a flash of 2 bright white light beams pierced through the fading light. Their leaving? he pondered, no, it couldn’t be… But they were. Incapacitated and barely conscious Barry listens to the sound of engine fade, then his world goes black.

11:24 P.M September 4, 2015

Cold. That's all Barry felt as he slowly woke up. The cold radiated throughout his whole body. Why is the moon in my hou-? in a bolt, Barry was up and alert. Where am I? thought Barry. Looking around him Barry remembered, the beach, shiny, alone. Now Barry knew he was in serious trouble. Alone on a beach with no means of getting to safety. The water had risen, he knew that much. Soon he would be completely covered in water. He had to move or he would be swept out to sea. He rolled onto his chest and pushed himself up. As he pushed he felt a sharp object tear through his hands. Ow, ow, sh*t! What? as Barry looked down he finally noticed what that sharp object was. A knife, caked in blood and sand was sticking through his hand. Now Barry began to feel the desperation of the situation. He was alone, on a beach in the middle of nowhere, incapacitated, thirsty, and trapped by sheer cliff a rising tide. Ok, what can I do? Though Barry as went over his options. Climbing the cliff wouldn't work. Making it to the end of the beach is hopeless. Let’s do this with the most important thing first. The knife. It had to come Barry knew. Ever so slowly Barry reached over and gripped the rubber handle. I can do this, I can do this Barry repeated over and over. As Barry looked at the knife he noticed his hand was white. The veins were popping out. Calm down, you got this Barry told himself. Ever so slowly Barry gave the handle a slight tug. OW! pain radiated throughout his body. If I do it quickly it’ll hurt less, right? Barry didn’t know if he was wrong or not. Oh, well he thought, he knew he had to do it. 3… 2… 1… NOW, Barry pulled as hard as could. The second after the wound began to rush with blood. Going everywhere filling the water with warm red blood. Now what? I have to stop the bleeding. he thought. Now he remembered. He took off his shirt and began to apply pressure to the open wound. It’s not doing anything! The blood just keeps on coming! Now Barry was scared. The only thing stopping the mass amounts of bleeding was the knife. Why’d I removed it? If I didn’t it would have gotten infected. Barry reminded himself. Barry began to move up the beach and through the cold water. Without his shirt the cold was immense. So much he could barely feel his arms and legs. Just keep moving! You can do this, Barry told himself. He was moving ridiculously slow but, he knew he couldn’t stop.

12:14 A.M September 5, 2015

Barry had made it. Finally after what felt like hours he and reached the cliff wall. With his back propped up against the sheer cliff face and hand tightly wrapped and gushing blood in his lap, he watched the clear night sky moon. It’s beautiful, he thought. The reflection on the smooth water was lighting up the whole ocean. The smooth water looked so inviting but, he knew it was filled with blood and ripples. Wait what? Ripples? No why would there be ripples? thought Barry. Then he saw it. 2 grey triangles about 5 feet apart were moving through the water. Sharks! They must have smelled the blood, Barry panicked. The blood was everywhere he couldn’t see it because the water was too dark but he knew it was there. He had felt the warm liquid penetrating the cool water the entire time he was crawling up the beach. They can’t get me. I’m to shallow, Barry said to himself. But, what if the water rises even more? Will I be got then? thought Barry. Barry had nowhere to go he was trapped by rising tide and sharks. He just had to wait.

1:04 A.M September 5, 2015

The water was at his waist now. He had felt his body lift off the ground and float around a bit for a while now. He was no longer against the cliff. He body had moved just a couple of feet away from it and closer to the oncoming shark. It was just 15 meters away now and the water was moving Barry closer down the beach. This is it. I’m going to die on this beach, thought Barry. There were so many things Barry missed out on. He never went on a plane, learned how to surf, or went to college. But now, he couldn’t do any of those things. I can’t believe it… though Barry as his conciousness began to fade.

10:45 A.M September 6, 2015

“BARRY!, WHERE ARE YOU?” shouted John.

“I can’t find him anywhere”, muttered Sam.

They had searched the beach for hours looking for their friend. Just 2 nights ago they and a few others had accidentally left Barry on the beach after he failed to catch up to them. They hadn’t realized it until they went to his house and found no one there. The wind during the day was so unbearable they decided to head back to the car.

“We’ll just have to file a missing persons report I guess”, mumbled John.

“I can’t believe it we abandoned him here to die”, said Sam.

“Yep. We failed hi-” started John

“John, what is it?”

“Look at that”

“So, what”

“It is covered in blood…”

The author's comments:

It is mostly about to never give up to matter what.

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