The war that brought hope | Teen Ink

The war that brought hope

December 6, 2017
By Anonymous

The hooves of the horse galloping up the rusty terrain bellow out into the valley, but the sounds are muffled by the constant clamor of soldiers. Yelling, shouting, shrieking, running for their lives.Fire burns trees to their roots and scorches the flesh of the already dead. Yet the calm steady sound of the steed breathing an enchanting rhythm is making a heartbeat of its own as its strides take a greater length. The rapid motions of the horse against the war are violent and harsh. I push forward and don't stop; the only thing echoing in my mind is the voice of my father. “ You must run Evangeline, this war is to deathly for a lady. You will most easily die, but mark my words daughter, the monster and his kingdom will burn in flames when i'm done.” I cringe and scoff at the thought and push my tears farther back. Is this war worth fighting for a sister I know nothing about?
Slowly, I climb out of the saddle, my uniform contrary to what I should be wearing. The clothes of a princess. Tattered and torn are the scraps of what used to be my mother's shash are slung across my back. I shudder. The thought of my mom, my dead, cold mom shakes me. They killed her. They killed me. Everything I love is gone, everything. My dad. My idiotic, ignorant dad. I know he loves me, but the day they divorced, the day he cheated, my life collapsed. I became trapped in a cynical world of nothing. Trudging through the low lying grass, I stretch time out as long as possible before I reach the escape house. Pushing my thoughts and feelings far back is something i've been trained to do. Yet, as the door creaks open I can't seem to do that. The hut that i'm in remindes me of the burning village. I take a step further in, the one room house is quaint and peaceful. The sound of the horse from the makeshift stable calms my thoughts and my tears. I sink into the bed, not very comfortable but okay. As I do, I hear a crinkle that sends a wave of lightning through the previously quiet room. I jolt up to my feet and lean into the bed. Paper, a thin piece of it lies under the comforter. Cautiously, I slip it out. My sister was here; this is from her.
My hands are trembling as I hold the charred paper. I suddenly bursts into an uncontrollable sob. My deep long breaths don't help me stop. From outside I probably look like a hyperventilating mess, but on the inside I can't split my emotions. My brain screams for me to read. Just do it, read! I can't, I'm terrified of what might happen. I feel like i'm betraying myself as I force my eyes onto the paper. Yet when I look at the paper, I see hope.
I started a war. Thousands of death ly on my hands, I was kidnapped, brought away from my sister, my mother, my father. I'll never get to see my sweet Evangeline grow up.
Save me. If you are reading this save me. Find the tower, you can see it at dawn. Come to it and save me.
She was only twelve when she was taken, war broke out and Celeste was captured. My mother, murdered. Before all that my father cheated. My parents divorced. Celeste would be twenty five this year, I think. It's been so long I wouldn't know. I have to save her; it's my only chance of seeing my sister again. Quietly, I make my way out of the house. I check the sun, about an hour till dusk. I can't sit still, so I prepare. I bring food, water, and a bat, just incase. Honestly I'm shaking with excitement but inside I'm trembling with fear. I sit down, I still have about 45 minutes. The chairs’ slow rocking pulls me into a light sleep as my mind drifts away.
The sound of crickets awaken me. My first thoughts think back to the letter. I scramble to check the time. Its dusk. I step out to the rocky path and look through the stunning sunset. I stand still scanning my surroundings. Nothing, nothing at all. I laugh at myself, what do I think after so many years I’m just going to see her again. What an idiot I don’t even know her. She doesn’t even know me. I turn back to do what I’m told; stay in the escape house while my father fights the man who stole his daughter. Out of the blue a tower appears. I whip my head around and my jaw drops at the appearing tower. As if my legs have a mind of their own, I begin to sprint. Slow at first but surprisingly my pace picks up the father I run. I skid to as stop right at the base of the tower. It's huge and very intimidating. I grab onto a vine and make my way up but a few steps in the vine snaps. The tower seems to sneer at me as I get back up. I make a second attempt, yet i still fail. The tower seems to get bigger and bigger with each attempt. I look up to the monster and glare. Try after try I can't get up it. The towers snickers get louder and louder not bothering to look at my bruised body. On my thirtieth attempt I hear footsteps behind me. I jump down and scatter to a bush. Hiding behind it I look and see a woman. She calls something that I cannot hear. Most likely due to me falling so much. I see a waterfall of golden light fall. I have to make my move now. Carefully, I creep up. I step on a twig the a foot away from the tower, and the woman. She turns around prepared to hurt me, but i'm to quick. I hit her with my bat and she falls unconscious. I grab onto the light hair and climb up it. Creepy, but necessary. I as i go up the menacing tower that once looked down on me now has to look up. When i reach the ledge I see a girl. Suddenly i'm confused. “Celeste,” I call out “ it's me your sister.” She turns around and I can see her tear streaked face. She comes forward and touches me to see if i'm real. I hear her whisper “Evangeline.”

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