Unicornia | Teen Ink


December 13, 2016
By Cooburrito BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Cooburrito BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was a magical planet called Unicornia. Unicornia was a small planet that was filled with one hundred.

Unicorns of all shapes and colors. The Unicorns had an important job, their job was to poop out rainbows for Earth. After the rainbows have been pooped out, the neighboring planet, on the right, Lepergoldia had to deliver pots of gold to the end of the rainbow for people on Earth to find. On the left of Unicornia was a planet that no Unicorn wanted to talk about, that planet was Juliecornia. Juliecornia was a dark planet that was red and black swirled, complete opposite of the pink and purple sparkled Unicornia. On Juliecornia, there was a green martian, called Julie, that was in charge of the whole operation. Julie was surrounded by strange creatures that she called her minions.
It was Julie’s one goal in life to destroy all the Unicorns forever. Julie comes from a long line of martians that have tried to destroy the Unicorns. None have been successful and she wanted to change that. She wanted to be the one that destroyed the Unicorns, and she had a genius plan. Every Tuesday all the Unicorns met for Taco Tuesday at the Taco Shack. Her plan was to sneak into the Taco Shack and put sleeping potion in the taco meat. Once all the unicorns fall asleep, she will place dynamite around the planet, then blow up the planet DESTROYING ALL UNICORNS! Julie then called her most trusted and skilled minions to help her pull off this task. It will not be easy to sneak onto the planet to put the potion in the meat, but not impossible. She told her minions the plan and they were ready, they loaded up their spaceship and they were off.
Meanwhile on Unicornia, everyone was busy getting the taco feast together.
While the Unicorns were working together, the Fab Five Super Squad made sure everyone was safe. The Fab Five Super Squad was an elite super squad that protected Unicornia. Like Julie, they came from a long line and they have been protecting Unicornia for ages. The squad included Cooper, the leader, Emily, the clumsy one, Greta, the fast one, Kato, the talented one, and Elizabeth, the little one. Because of the Super Squad, Julie’s family has been unsuccessful in destroying Unicornia. Mayor Glitter got the super squad the whole kitchen staff sucked up into one of her magical stories. But what the whole planet didn’t realize was that Julie was making her move and she was about to break onto the planet.
As Julie’s spaceship approached the planet, she realized she had a small problem, she had to pass through the Unicorn gate. This gate was an electronic Unicorn sensor that will go off if anything passes through it that was not a Unicorn. But with Julie’s wit and quick thinking, she fashioned up three Unicorn costumes. After she quickly made the costumes, she picked two of her most trusted martians to go onto the planet with her. She ordered her other martians to turn on the spaceship’s invisibility cloak and to stay in front of Unicornia until she returned. Now came the moment of truth, will they be able to pass through without triggering the alarm. Julie and her martians got out of the spaceship, and Julie slowly approached the sensor, step by step she slowly inched her way toward the sensor, when suddenly… she took a giant leap and passed through the sensor, luckily, the sensor didn’t go off. She then told her two martians to come through. Now nothing could stop her from taking over Unicornia! Or that’s what she thought.

She took her costume off then swiftly made her way through the streets of Unicornia avoiding all Unicorns. But that was an easy task, everyone was in front of The Taco Shack waiting for the food. At last, Julie was inside of the Taco Shack, she went unnoticed all the way to the Taco Shack and she was good to go. She locked the door, then took out the sleeping potion. As she uncorked the bottle, she muttered an evil laugh, “MWAHAHAHA! NOW THERE WILL BE NO MORE UNICORNS LEFT IN THE WORLD, AND I JULIE, WILL BECOME THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE!” Then out of nowhere, there was a loud “BANG!” “WHAT WAS THAT!?!?” Julie exclaimed, but what she didn’t know was that the Super Squad was busting through the door, or at least trying to. Finally, on the third try, the Super Squad bust open the door and the action was about to kick off!
“Super Squad Go!!” screamed Cooper. The Super Squad sprang into action. Cooper’s job was to take care of Julie while the other four took care of the two minions. WHAM! WHAM! POW! Just like that, the two minions were taken out in a flash. But on the other side of the taco shack, Cooper and Julie were having the fight for the ages. While Kato, Greta, and Elizabeth were tying up the minions, Emily ran over to try to help Cooper. When Emily was running she tripped over her feet and went sliding across the greasing floor. SMACK! Emily slid right into Julie and sent Julie flipping through the air, then WHAM! Julie landed flat on her back. While Julie was down, Cooper saw this as the perfect time to end Julie. Cooper quickly flipped Julie around and, with the help of Emily, they tied up Julie.
With all the commotion, some people that were waiting outside, quickly rushed inside to see Julie and her minions tied up in the corner and to see the bottle of poison spilled on the floor. The Unicorns were filled with different emotions, some were terrified, some angry, and some were thankful for the Super Squad. Not soon after the Unicorns found the criminals, the mayor called the Unicops and they arrived quickly, sirens blazing and lights flashing. They came into The Taco Shack and put Julie and her minions into the cop cars. As the Unicops were driving to the prison, the Super Squad followed just to be sure that there weren’t any problems along the way. When they finally arrived to the prison the cops had to knock out Julie and her minions so if they do happen to break free of the jail cell, they won’t know their way back the entrance. Once they were knocked out, the Unicops threw them into the jail cell. The Super Squad then started the long journey back to the town where The Taco Shack was located.
After three hours of driving, the Super Squad was greeted with a huge town celebration. The Super Squad was called onto a stage where Mayor Glitter awarded the Super Squad with medals. Cooper got the leadership award for leading her team to capture Julie, Emily got the clumsiest person of the year award, and the other three got a bravery award. Because of the Super Squad, Unicornia is safe once again, but how long is that jail cell going to hold Julie?
The End

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