Put to the Task | Teen Ink

Put to the Task

December 12, 2016
By CoreyMerritt BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
CoreyMerritt BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Put to the Test
The sun was setting and the night was just beginning. I was searching for one of the most wanted criminals in the world. The CSI has been trying to track down this man for six years now and I wasn't about to let him go. This man I'm trying to find has done things that no one should ever do. He plans terrorist attacks and kills thousands of people just for money. This man needs to be taken to the united states and put in prison.
I was in paris while trying to find this man named Francis Wilson. He supposedly has a safe house somewhere and I'm going to find it. Many people this bad always have a fake safe house as a decoy for people like me. I don't think this is the case. I've been hearing things and trying to put the clues together. That night I went to check out his supposed safe house. I went inside and nobody was there. I had a feeling in my stomach that I messed up. Usually it's not completely silent. Turns out I was wrong. Just as I thought about where i went wrong, I heard a distant beeping. My instinct made me run like hell. It was a bomb. Before someone could blink, I bolted away, running directly at the window on the second floor and jumped right as it exploded. I landed in a dumpster thankfully but I was pissed off because I miss read the clues and someone will pay for this. I got a call the next day by Francis. He said I had 2 days to give him ten million dollars or all the historical landmarks in Paris will be blown up and many people will die so I called my boss and told him the story. He said it's up to me to stop this. He told me I will have back up but only worst case.
I've done this before so I could handle the pressure. This was something to be taken serious because many people's lives are in my hands. I knew he was in Paris still so I had to find him fast. Headquarters finally gave me coordinates to him. I sped there as fast as I could. I knew he would have personal body guards. I knew what to expect. I pulled up and saw a big factory that hasn't been used for years. I walked in ready to fire my weapon. It was quiet and there was a stenchy smell in the air. Out of the blue two men shot at me and missed. I pulled my pistol and shot them both. I ran upstairs and Billy was getting in a helicopter. I ran and jumped onto the helicopter right as it took off. I lost my weapon when I jumped so I found myself fighting him. Billy pulled his gun and I hit his arm and it shot the pilot. We were now going down and we were both in it. We hit and it all went black. I woke up and found him laying next to me.
I finally got him. I called in a helicopter to take us back. When I got back to the united states I met with the president. He congratulated me and honored me for my brave actions and stopping the attack on paris. When I got back to headquarters everyone clapped and cheered as I entered the building. My boss was happy to see my and also congratulated me.
As for Francis, he went to prison for life and won't be seeing him for a long time. The precautions that I took to send him to prison were definitely huge. I used what I knew and put it to the test. It all turned out fine in the end and i'm sure it will on my next mission.


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