What Wonders Where? 2 | Teen Ink

What Wonders Where? 2

October 5, 2016
By SerinityScully SILVER, Oakridge, Tennessee
SerinityScully SILVER, Oakridge, Tennessee
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The squish of moss beneath my shoes was enough to drive anybody crazy, and Andrea wasn’t much help either. As we went deeper into this cave world I started seeing animals I had never encountered before. Sonja was playing with them, squishing the bulbous whatever it’s called against a rock as she pushed off to chase something else that looked like a kangaroo and a gremlin had a baby. It hobbled away but not quick enough. She pounced, but in doing so, the creepy creature bared its endless rows of teeth.
Luckily Andrea was watching what looked like an eight winged butterfly. This place was magical, but I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to be at home not watching a kangagremlin… maybe watching Gremlins but not this! Something felt off. It seemed too magical. As this thought passed through my head I heard a gurgle but not from one direction it seemed like it came from all of them.
Suddenly I saw a wide opening that wasn’t there before. I tried going towards it, but as I did a wild wind swept us off our feet. After a few woozy seconds the wind started coming from the opposite direction. This was our chance to escape. We ran with the wind through the opening so fast we didn’t notice when we started running on air instead of the ground. “Oh great we’re falling”.
Suddenly, though, we weren’t anymore. Sonya had grown huge with wings to match. We landed gently on the ground in time to find a huge whale like thing sauntering off in the opposite direction. We had been in it’s mouth. Could this get any weirder? 


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